Quote Originally Posted by lyrics11 View Post
I want to register my clan: Zay HallO
Tag = : zhallo
Link: http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mo...fo&idx=1056680

Please reserve your name first , then post again !

Quote Originally Posted by despair View Post

btw paul, Ik ben uit .$K@ maar weet niet of ze me al van TB page af hebben gehaald
Hello , next time if you want quick answser , post in english , not only paul manage that section

Quote Originally Posted by furios View Post
Nickname: http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mo...fo&idx=1178617
name: the aventury esprit
clantag: #TaE|
Colourcode: ^3#^0TaE^3|
thx :-)
Hello, i dont see the tag in your name , create a name which include the tag ! then post again thanks .

Quote Originally Posted by lordvirus View Post
hi i want to register clan
player http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mo...fo&idx=1245991
clan tag M|O
Your clanpage http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=claninfo&cidx=260 welcome to tb