Clantag: Ice-
Hey guys,
Nickname: http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mo...fo&idx=3171056
Clan Name: HeadShot
Clan tag: H*S <-- was |H*S| but due to only 3 letters...
For more proof, i have the server registered in my name on game tracker.
Thankyou guys (Paul).
hey man
nickname: http://et.trackbase.net/?mod=playerinfo&idx=3191470
Clan Name: LOGITECH&'Gaming_
Clan tag: ^7LOGITECH^2&
Thank you
Thank you, here is your clan:
The nickname you provided us, isn't registered ( http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mo...fo&idx=3171056 )
Please reserve your name first, http://et.trackbase.net/?mod=reserve
Also, please provide us with the color code of your clantag - thank you
Name: .LG'PiNG'FA. :< http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mo...fo&idx=3176493
clan name: Liberty Gaming
clan tag: .LG'
There is another inactive / unavailable one, that one have to be deleted by permission of Anurag and PureCoke (Anurag = Member, PureCoke = Founding Father, PiNG (Me) = Owner
Thanks bro, have a nice day and a have fun