I have added the new server version to one of my servers: http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mo...info&idx=41681
The next step is for tsp to be logged and other info like whether players are soilder or medic etc and I want the server to be listed as Protocol: ET 2.60b / ET 2.55. It currently lists as only: Protocol: ET 2.60b, how can this be fixed? The server does allow players from 2.55 version to join now but I had to set sv_protocolcheck to "0". The installed binary is et300 and only extra setting currently active is +set net_port_extra 27961 in the command line.
I'll pm paul in the meanwhile about setting up tsp for my server, but I got no reply yet from my last pm about tsp? I'm sure he's busy though, I'll wait.