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  1. #11
    See me, I'm great! Ninjaa's Avatar
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    It's not only about rating or trackbase here, but admins have to make teams fair then... make fair team and a playable game :>

    right mate

  2. #12
    Guest epsi's Avatar
    lol yea make fair teams - like it is that easy. Prob is that guys like this join spec and wait till they can join their fav. team again. If i was a server admin i would warn them and if they keep doing it !ban for some days till they learn it. But sadly things like this dont happen. The end of the story is that you dont get a rid of guys like this as long as the admins dont have the balls to treat them the way it has to be.

  3. #13
    Spamming the boards! christmaspwns's Avatar
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  4. #14
    Manager JoNny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by epsi View Post
    lol yea make fair teams - like it is that easy. Prob is that guys like this join spec and wait till they can join their fav. team again. If i was a server admin i would warn them and if they keep doing it !ban for some days till they learn it. But sadly things like this dont happen. The end of the story is that you dont get a rid of guys like this as long as the admins dont have the balls to treat them the way it has to be.
    I think the admins just do not care.

  5. #15
    See me, I'm great! Ninjaa's Avatar
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    fa2 need more admins

  6. #16
    Spamming the boards! Patriot's Avatar
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    I cant speak for those servers as i never play on them and i dont give rats ass for rating

    But there are many servers around where the admins are doing a good job to keep the games fun for all

    but tbh rating what does it say? that your skilled? nahh, it just say your playing all your time on a crowded server where its easy to get kills, nothing more
    and ofc thats fun for some.

    Cant help laughing whenever im on a server with rating ppl and they either change nick or go spec because they dont like to be challenged i even have 1 in my clan that does that, he almost never plays on our servers because of that

    i also giggles a bit when i see a thread like this, rating ppl are not interested in fair teams they are just interested in getting their k/d up so they can advance on the ladder, fair teams would destroy that, so this is a situation where you have to choose what kinda player you are fragger or obj oriented.

    the question has been the same since 2003, and will never change, simple as that

  7. #17
    Spamming the boards! christmaspwns's Avatar
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    Don't worry, I have the exact same point as you Patriot. I just wanted to show how sad the current raters actually are. Like you said, if they get challenged they will change their nickname or just go to spec and are scared to get challenged. They will only rate with noobs on the server or when they're in a team with "higher raters".

    Since Trackbase is a RATING system, Paul should disable FA#2. It's pathetic how people get rating. Since Paul won't do shit, there's no fun to play for "rate".
    Last edited by christmaspwns; 6-01-2012 at 11:51.

  8. #18
    Banned Mccloud's Avatar
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    Disable a server because some admins on FA#2 don't know how to even teams? ""

    I Dunno how often you monitor the server, but until you actually play it, you can't really say that the admins don't care for even teams, there could be different reasons why they are like that. often enough maps there get rushed, no matter how many raters you put on 1 team, if the other team has obj whores they will rush, losing map less than 7/6 minutes because the raters don't know how to defend or work as a team.

    Plus don't let white name no tag low rate names fool you there... there have been alot of skilled 47/48 acc shooters there coming to jay#2, (Probably ETPro players) pwning raters making them mad, lose rate, or frustrated.

    Can't say the same for WOOD server though, played there like 3/5 times, no one there can shoot a gun except for some high raters.

    Besides that, I was an FA admin there for some months, and what they do there, they care alot about teams (forums member discussion etc), they even ban some for stacking....

    Also if this bothers you so much. then stop rating, or caring for these kind of things, What I find more of a problem is whores and cheaters rating and getting away with it. that's something alot more worse than stacking on a team, yea that's lame, but nothing more lame than hacking or whoring cause you can't even get good stats on a stacked team
    Last edited by Mccloud; 6-01-2012 at 12:41.

  9. #19
    Spamming the boards! .PG|monk's Avatar
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    You have to see things clear that there are two sides on this story. First of all you have the players that are trying to get a rate as high as possible. But really do they actually know on which team the higher and lower rated players are (average). I don't think so. And then i don't speak about the fact that maps switches and a shuffle of teams is possible. They should check it every map, which would be insane.

    Any way rated playing in global is a really wrong and misplaced concept for a game like W:ET. I am glad that i don't have any raters in my server or community. All the players are having fun, respecting each other, play objective side or killing side, but overall playing together on 1 place and experience the game play the want to and at last there are members and Admins to take care for fair game play restricted by serverrules.

    On the other side you have the server community member/Admin. Its their primary job to keep the server as status of great gaming server where people having fun while playing. One of the jobs they have is to keep the teams balanced. For balancing teams you have two options. Look at team player numbers Axis/Allies or you have to look for XP by pressing TAB. For me as own server owner i prefer to look for the second method, because its simple better. If can see that the teams are uneven by xp, we can simple even them.

    Best advise for everybody: Enjoy the game for what its made for, and we will continue having fun for a long time.

  10. #20
    Banned Mccloud's Avatar
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    Another way is to do /stats in console to see who has higher k/d ratio, that's the way I do it cause I actually do !put players on FA#2, (Yes I still have admin there)

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