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View Full Version : Donation option?

21-10-2010, 08:03

Must say it looks awesome already so thx a lot for setting up an improved w:et tracker.:claps:

I'm hoping you will add a donation system too as we had on SL with the option to get more buddies/fav servers.I miss my 100+ buddies in here...:whistling:

Grt Sizer ;)

21-10-2010, 10:45

Must say it looks awesome already so thx a lot for setting up an improved w:et tracker.:claps:

I'm hoping you will add a donation system too as we had on SL with the option to get more buddies/fav servers.I miss my 100+ buddies in here...:whistling:

Grt Sizer ;)

After the weekends you'll find it :)

21-10-2010, 12:55
Great thx Paul ;)

21-10-2010, 13:21
I miss my 100+ buddies in here

YOu can start with me :)

21-10-2010, 13:31
LOL Well let me think about it Adrian... ^^

np Bud ;)

23-10-2010, 12:28
hehe yeah donation module should be active soon !
Hope its gonna help to launch subprojects soon !

23-10-2010, 18:08
I hope so Splash..Gonna put my money and trust in your ppl's project ^^
But I'm sure it will work out the way we want it ;)

31-10-2010, 13:51
Yeah pretty sure too , hope there will be some ppl donating to help Tb getting bigger/better.
There should be all infos about donation soon , then you know what you gain if you donate.

31-10-2010, 14:13
There is currenlty worked on some minor problems with the mailserver - when that is fixed this system will be opened :)

7-11-2010, 14:34
allright,thx for the update Paul,I'll hope to gain a lot of extra's lol ;)

7-11-2010, 14:35
The paypal is currently being tested + the options users will get for it :)

Will be here now within 1 week for sure!

9-11-2010, 00:08
The paypal is currently being tested + the options users will get for it :)

Will be here now within 1 week for sure!

Great News :D

9-11-2010, 18:43
It's live 'n running!

9-11-2010, 19:21
It's live 'n running!

AweSome :D also maybe add an forum rank for the donators and additional features ?? :) maybe we should discuss it?

9-11-2010, 19:46
AweSome :D also maybe add an forum rank for the donators and additional features ?? :) maybe we should discuss it?

Forum rank is already active, just not many people have donated yet :P

There are some features regarding server/player buddies & name reservations but more can come too yes :).

9-11-2010, 20:37
I will Post some suggestion For this if you like me to :)

10-11-2010, 11:25
Let's fix donations rewards :) make it big , attracting !

26-11-2010, 15:22
Done!Hopefully I will get some nice rewards,I love surprises! lol
On a serious note...Site looks great,I'm glad that the team behind trackbase decided to give this game the credit it deserves and you probably invested many hours to get it all started,such projects are essential to keep this game alive and I'm sure that all the fanatic et gamers will enjoy it and hopefully the donations will help a bit.

Big thx,keep up the good work ;)

26-11-2010, 15:40
Done!Hopefully I will get some nice rewards,I love surprises! lol
On a serious note...Site looks great,I'm glad that the team behind trackbase decided to give this game the credit it deserves and you probably invested many hours to get it all started,such projects are essential to keep this game alive and I'm sure that all the fanatic et gamers will enjoy it and hopefully the donations will help a bit.

Big thx,keep up the good work ;)

Thank you for your donation, it has been received well!

If you want you can be added on the frontpage (donation list), you can give a link and the name of the link that we can include (if you wish to be public about it!).
You can PM me for it or post it here in the forums.

There will be more features in the futures, if you personally got any suggestions etcetera don't be afraid to contact us!

Paul :)