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19-10-2010, 17:08
It's quite sad to only see players from et 2.55 in the players top list. Is it that 2.55 players are so much better then 2.60b players? (J/K) Ain't it possible to seperate the player data by server Version? Like Top Players 2.55 and Top Players 2.60b and maybe other versions. To sort it by the mod also would be way to cool :D

19-10-2010, 17:30
It's quite sad to only see players from et 2.55 in the players top list. Is it that 2.55 players are so much better then 2.60b players? (J/K) Ain't it possible to seperate the player data by server Version? Like Top Players 2.55 and Top Players 2.60b and maybe other versions. To sort it by the mod also would be way to cool :D

Problem is this multi-version thing: versions are kinda mixed up by now :) But maybe it's possible to do something with etpro/other other mods.
I will look into this and see that the possibility's are :)

19-10-2010, 19:49
Oh yeah thats not bad idea at all :) at least per versions .. but hmm now its kinda 2.55 / 2.6 at same time on most servers so dont know :|
lets see what paul is able to do .

20-10-2010, 13:33
Problem is this multi-version thing: versions are kinda mixed up by now :) But maybe it's possible to do something with etpro/other other mods.
I will look into this and see that the possibility's are :)Server got in the serverinfo the protocol. If i am not wrong the server with mixed protocols still show only one protocol in the serverinfo. The serverinfo should count for the serperation.

20-10-2010, 13:55
Whats the difference what version you play?

20-10-2010, 15:10
Whats the difference what version you play?http://activision.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/activision.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=17128&p_created=1161822425

20-10-2010, 15:46
He meant "What's the diffrence between these 2 mods in Rating players?".

7-03-2011, 11:10
Suggestion reported again , if it's done , infos will be posted in TB general news.

My suggestions :

sort players by mod , Just count Enhanced mod as 2.55 part ...then the rest is 2.60 ...
Or create a section just for enhanced mod.

Maybe thats possible to sort players by mods , jaymod , ET pub, NQ, ET pro, ET nam mode ... etc ,
or even by server mods , objective, stopwatch,campaign etc

why not let's see whats doable .

19-03-2011, 20:41
think sort by mod is better then sort by version cuz there are jay/nq/.. servers on 2.60b just not much

20-03-2011, 02:06
or serverowners with a multipatch do a command in the cfg

sets sversion "multi"

and paul add the command here in the system.

20-03-2011, 15:20
Evertyhing should be doable , just need some time , many things are already planned . some change will be there soon.
Some stuff need to be done first , to make the future change possible.

New features , or events will be posted on TB news section.

18-05-2011, 01:17
suggestions has been reported , we will see whats doable .
If thats doable and working , news will be posted on HP / trackbase news section