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View Full Version : poor tracking :(

1-08-2011, 01:21
hi guys i know you do a great job but trackingwise there are great holes in the system, not sure why but bit dissapointing still as i mentioned before,
you cannot get hold of all the server details or player activity, we have days of no tracking your side :(
still you guys do a good job dont get me wrong but technically there must be issues .....
thnx and greetz

1-08-2011, 02:01
Hi there,

thanks for dropping a note!
We take our user's issues seriously, so we need all the information we can have to fix your problem.

What exactly do you mean with:

you cannot get hold of all the server details or player activity, we have days of no tracking your side

Is your server not rated? Your playername not rated? ... etc

We'll do anything we can to solve problems in our system, so all extra bits and pieces of information are valuable.
Hope to hear from you soon


2-08-2011, 19:04

Please provide us with more information, so we can take any actions if necessairy

2-08-2011, 19:12
which game are you talking about ? i know Farcry had server scanning but its now fixed normally.
many bugs are beeing fixed as said shagi , please give more example , with game / server link/ your sessions/ , thx

4-08-2011, 20:44
hi, srry been away for a bit, but like i said some sessions even on rated servers arent tracked by your system,for example i play on the baracuda server for some hours but not recognised by trackbase, this happens on a regular basis, its not only that server but on other ranked servers as well !
i do not have the specific details of times etc atm but i will try to get that in the future to give you guys more information,
thnx for the feedback and greetz :)
and oh yeah i was talking bout FarCry