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View Full Version : France Beginners

5-07-2011, 13:03
New good jaymod server. You can play it from 2.55/26.b.

No adre, Normal Shooting (not fast), no double guns, dj and hitbox is better if u compare it with the wood clan. No lags there and Punkbuster is added. I hope many join that server, because admin also can speak english there and its worth to visit it.

greetz Khaled

5-07-2011, 15:07
As I see there is no PB: http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=serverinfo&idx=9714

5-07-2011, 15:18
check this: he play there and got rating. Pb is on http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=playerinfo&idx=30059

they put PB on last night

9-07-2011, 20:49
if both this server and wood clan runs jaymod version hitboxes are same.cause is same mod
edit:i connected to your server today and there is no pb there.stop lieng and missinform ppl

edit2:i saw this post and thaught it would be nice to play some fun jaymod after a long break in this mod,so i checked this server and i was dissapointed.there is no punkbuster as khaled says,i spotted at least one hacker with humanized aimbot and wallhack,admins are stupid,refusing to use pb and defending ppl who cheat under excuse that they are skilled players,i asked one of this guys if at least he knows what slac is,and of course he said no.after 3 years of playing on jaymod before i started with et pro i think i can make difference between a nice player and one who cheats.so imo,this server is no good.plus they use timenudge,double jump is on,thing that i dont like either.what i can say as a plus is that it seems they have some good maps like supply or tc base.but admins really have much more to learn

9-07-2011, 22:16
well ok Owner of server told me he wanetd to put pb on, he did it for a short time and then the might put it off dont know for which reason, maybe admins cheat too there.sorry for missinformation. You know unforgiven it wasnt my intention to do that :). BTW i also noticed there were some obv players...

Ifu wanna try a jaymod server try on of one the FA servers, i would prefer the first one. i guess u heard from them

greetz khaled

10-07-2011, 08:18
Unhuman+ ( owner of the server ) added today Punkbuster + stream in pbbans
you can ratting soon in your server :)

13-07-2011, 10:09
khaled is ok mate.i know fa servers,but as u know i kinda dropped off on jaymod.my server runs et pro with slac now,i m much into et pro than i used to be into jaymod.
heaven let s hope that is not another missinformation and also u have or used to have a player called vodka or vodqa.that guy is a hacker trust me

according to this link u dont run pb yet

13-07-2011, 22:26

14-07-2011, 20:05
my ideea is that admins there have still a lot to learn about how to run a server or they just start some other job like baking cookies

12-08-2011, 02:36
I had to delete half of my maps from etmain to remove their great menu... Because they packed it into... sw_goldrush_te.pk3! That's even cheaper than WOOD's "tricks"!

29-08-2011, 14:26
Sorry but biggest noob admins there. Banned by Unhuman+ after 30min. Reason: Aimbot + Wallhack etc..
Like Dri, every good player get banned.

Unbanned few days ago, because someone talked to him

29-08-2011, 20:07
banned for recrutement lol

1-09-2011, 14:57
I just love France Beginners! It's like TrT which I played for 3 years before it went down. I like the admins, they are friendly and they don't whine and get angry when you happen to kill them (Try FA o.o).

And if you make your own clan, FA leader will call it a "one man clan" and in the end ban you for 3 months with a fake reason "stacking". Oh well sorry about that, in the end FA#1 was cool server. But thanks, if you hadn't banned me I wouldn't have found the France Beginners ^^.

[WOOD] was a cool server too but one day I tried to connect there, the server said I'm IP banned, reason?! Never talked anything on that server, tried to play quiet attitude :D

France beginners ftw, love you |HoJ| :]

1-09-2011, 15:30
You applied to join F|A and we denied your application.


We deserve the right to deny any application as we see fit based on admin abuse, cheating, team stacking, etc. Being F|A admin we do expect our members to balance the teams when required and not give lame reasons, I just play axis and keep on trolling. We "try" to maintain fair teams like any server does.

More or less you where banned because of continuous trolling and not stacking like you mentioned. I would suggest to stop spreading false stories. But oh well if that's going to make you happy, feel free to. :)

banTime = 1311585826 # Mon Jul 25 04:23:46 2011
banExpiry = 1319361826 # Sun Oct 23 04:23:46 2011
banReason = troll somewhere else

We keep archive of all our bans from 2010 because of false story tellers like you. :)

1-09-2011, 16:03
I would suggest to stop spreading false stories.

We keep archive of all our bans from 2010 because of false story tellers like you. :)

LOL. The false storie was your reply on forums, you said you had put me to specs and I had kept joining back to Axis. I admit trolling. Or actually giving my opinion. And I also had a good reson for it: I talked finnish with my brother and then you start calling us "Fintards" and told us to shut up. Alright, I know the rule "only english in chat", but you could have told us to stop politelly, too.
But can you admit calling my clan a "one man clan"? You did, and when I asked why you think it's a one man clan you didn't even answer. I think admins shouldn't call their server's users with names.
And yeah I really felt like joining FA that day, but after calling me a stacker I thought better to forget the whole thing. I can't admit stacking. I like playing on Axis more than Allies, but that doesn't mean I switch teams if possible, I have ALWAYS played the map to the end in the team I have joined or I have been put in. And if it's 13 Axis vs 12 Allies, I join Allies without a problem.

Ty for laughs :]


1-09-2011, 16:27
I don't need 2 accounts to convey my message. Feel free to spread lies as much as you like and it's not going to bother me at all. I said once and it's more then enough for me.

1-09-2011, 18:49
I'm so sorry, I got different profiles logged in with my phone and laptop. And I'm also ok with that you are spreading your lies here, I don't care about your or anyone else's opinion about this thing. Why would I lie anyways? The truth is you started it all by calling me a stacker without a reason. You just can't admit getting angry about this little thing.

1-09-2011, 19:22
;8419'] The truth is you started it all by calling me a stacker without a reason. You just can't admit getting angry about this little thing.

Cut me some slack... I don't even play the game ET anymore so I didn't called you anything. You said you where banned for reason stacking while it clearly says in the ban what reason is and it's not 'stacking'. My friend, either you don't understand English at all or you have some different problem.

More or less you can use same profile from phone and laptop. No need to make duplicate accounts on forum.

2-09-2011, 06:22
Yeah you banned me for trolling after you had kicked me and when I came back and asked questions about stacking I got the ban.
Word stacking is used only on F|A servers, never seen players/admins calling people stackers on other servers. I might be wrong, but one of the F|A rules was "Respect the admins". Well, on other server there's the same rule but also admins respect their server's users. It's just strange if you can't remember calling me with names.
But nvm, that ban doesn't matter me at all. I enjoy playing on France Beginners, at least admins and players respect each other there. And NOBODY keeps crying about 'stacking'.

2-09-2011, 12:48
;8423']Yeah you banned me for trolling after you had kicked me'.

jeez you don't understand English do you? First you said you where banned for recruiting and once I said you where banned for trolling on server, you start saying I started it?

Now you are saying I was calling you names even after I said you, I don't play ET anymore? blah you have some serious mental issues i think. My name is daredevil and I don't play ET anymore...


Keep on trolling as usual. Not going to bother. There are 100's of ET server. Feel free to find next one to troll on. No wonder you didn't appeal the ban on F|A forums because you where well aware of what you are doing.

PS I didn't ban you. I just said you where spreading wrong rumors for your ban. Get your facts straight.

2-09-2011, 13:58
to be honest i dont care bout f|a nor that guy who got banned,this post is about france beginners bla bla bla.i stick to my oppinion:no pb and stupid admins.

2-09-2011, 14:38
You banned me for trolling after you had once kicked me for asking questions about stacking* I meant, sorry. And I do understand english but I'm not too good at it yet