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View Full Version : Tracker dont track^^

17-10-2010, 17:19

My server is not tracked.... no player rating or whatsoever.
been playing a week now on this server and totaly no player rating.
just letting you know.

push players:



17-10-2010, 17:44
Hello hmm its weird , i checked server utilisation , hmm you dont get ratnig because there is not enought players or something like that.
and probably Bots are on , there was a bug on the tracker with bots , but normally its fixed now.

If bots play more than 2/3 of the time , map will not get rated.
thats probably why you dont get any rating , let's see what others are gonna say !

17-10-2010, 18:08

My server is not tracked.... no player rating or whatsoever.
been playing a week now on this server and totaly no player rating.
just letting you know.

push players:




I have seen you're using etpub and therefor I have found this documentation:

if you scroll down to g_serverInfo you'll find this:


Use this cvar to change the behaviour of the 'serverinfo' string. This string is printed in response to the 'getstatus' primative command used by game browsers. This is a bitflag cvar that currently accepts the following flags:

1 Display player team information using the 'P' cvar in the server info string. (etpro and etmain 2.60 behaviour)
2 Display player team information using the 'Players_Axis' and 'Players_Allies' cvars in the server info string. (etmain < 2.60 behaviour)
4 Display the 'campaign_maps' cvar in the server info string. This contains a comma delimited list off all the maps in the current campaign. Only works if you have g_gametype set to 4.
8 Displays the 'C' CVAR in the server info string. This is a string containing the current map number in the campaign, and total maps in current campaign, in the form of "xx,yy". Only works if you have g_gametype set to 4.
16 Starting with 0.5.1, the class charge times will not be present in the server info string unless this flag is set. They were removed by default in order to make room in the serverInfo string for more useful information. These cvars are g_medicChargeTime, g_engineerChargeTime, g_LTChargeTime, g_covertopChargeTime, g_soldierChargeTime.
32 Send KR (KillRating) instead of XP in SERVERINFO string. This is overriden by flag 64.
64 Send PR (PlayerRating) instead of XP/KR in SERVERINFO string. Overrides flag 32.
NOTE: [B]this cvar MUST be set prior to loading the first map. You will not be able to change this cvar once the game code is loaded.
NOTE: the serverInfo string has a fixed length of 1024 characters. This space is shared with any cvar you create on your server with the 'sets' command. If you use up too much space with 'sets', your server will fail to start. It will print the message "Info string length exceeded" if you don't have enough space left in your serverinfo string to handle the g_serverInfo flags you've selected. To fix this, either remove some sets cvars from your config, or use different g_serverInfo flags.
Default is 1.
Your server is currently using g_serverInfo 2 (according to the infostring I looked up)... We will try to find a way to make that system work too.
In the meantime, you can set this in your serverconfig to make it work:
set g_serverInfo 1

18-10-2010, 21:39
this server isnt tracking too. every day evening nearly 20 plrs on.
check plz: