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View Full Version : Add Player to Clan with different ClanTag

22-06-2011, 11:33

I am the one editing our Clanpage here.

I want to add our Recruits (Trail) players to the clan as well, but they are using different Clan tags.

-=AN=- = Regular Member
-=ANR=- = Recruit
-=ANV=- = Vote Running

The system wont let me add those members because it cant find the regular Clantags, is there any way to solve that?

Thx again!


22-06-2011, 12:25
Hello ,normally everyone should have the same clantag , if you are apart of a clan.
They can create new names and have the same clantag as yours.

To add ppl with a different tag you have to set the same one in the administration .

If you want to add TOP.PLayer
On your clanpage , the tag must be TOP for example and you will be able to add him to your clanpage

22-06-2011, 12:48
Too bad, so i cant add our recruits!


22-06-2011, 12:57
Recruits can be flagged as "trials" in your memberlist
in that way, people will see who are the recruits and who are the veteran players

22-06-2011, 13:15
Well i dont get it if they are recruits why they have different tag ?
I didnt say you couldnt add members with differents tags , please read again :

To add ppl with a different tag you have to set the same one in the administration .

If you want to add TOP.PLayer
On your clanpage , the tag must be TOP for example and you will be able to add him to your clanpage Repeat that step with each different tag.
Then once everyone is added , SET BACK the clantag you want .

22-06-2011, 18:23
Use -=AN as clantag here on trackbase, so everyones tag will match or use splash's solution.

cya on server.

22-06-2011, 19:03
An alternative could be, when having a lot of recruits, to create a recruit squad

23-06-2011, 22:48
Thx for all the replies, I think one of ur ideas might work out THX

23-06-2011, 22:55
Well i dont get it if they are recruits why they have different tag ?
I didnt say you couldnt add members with differents tags , please read again :

Repeat that step with each different tag.
Then once everyone is added , SET BACK the clantag you want .

^^ Thats it, thx.

Use -=AN as clantag here on trackbase, so everyones tag will match or use splash's solution.

cya on server.

^^ I use that one in combi with spash sollution ;)

AND Hi terrortom --> cya on server u fraggin bitch ;)