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View Full Version : New release of Operation Tower Beta 6

28-05-2011, 18:14
Old-Owl, the founder of Dark Alchemy has released the Beta 6 version of his map Operation Tower.

The axis have a secret technical manual with the instructions to make a secret weapon.
They hold the manuals in top of the research complex tower .
The allies must transmit the secret technical manuals through the radio.
The axis must stop the allies at any cost.

- New trees from Kic models
- New spawns script, flag is owned by allies due to objective success.
- A roof protect the flag spawn from the artillery.
- Better textures for some buildings.
- Command post moved to a better location.
- Small door near tower tunnel is neutral and not axis anymore.
- Few cosmetics details improved.

http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/9900/levelshot.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/577/levelshot.jpg/)http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/843/tower2.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/580/tower2.jpg/)

More info on -)A(- Wiki (http://www.dark-alchemy.com/wiki/index.php/Operation_Tower)

29-05-2011, 15:54
Thanks for reporting, we'll be covering this item soon !

EDIT: there seems to be a mapname mismatch. This announcement is for a beta 6, while the PK3 name is beta 5. Should it be considered as a beta 5 or 6 then?

29-05-2011, 16:48
Beta 6.

29-05-2011, 17:11
Thanks for the support. The link where to download the archive is the following:


Regards, Old-Owl

EDIT: Wait a moment, I found a little bug. Will be fixed today and then provide you the download link.

29-05-2011, 20:20
The download link is:



30-05-2011, 01:03
Thanks for your update and news report !


5-06-2011, 13:32
I see that the map is still tracked as b5 version. Please can you update the picture and the version as well?.

I know that I had to change the bsp name, but it will be done in the final version. For now is still op_tower.bsp


5-06-2011, 16:50

Our tracker updates the maplist when the map has been played on a server.
Although your map is in our database, it is possible our tracker won't enlist it yet, when it hasn't been played.

The B5 version you see in our list, is the official B5 version of your map. It's better to change BSP names for each new beta release, then our tracker can find the new map as well.
Now it considers B6 as B5 because of the same BSP name.

For a next release, it's highly advised to pick a new BSP name corresponding to your mapversion.