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View Full Version : lua help!

25-05-2011, 09:15

are wanting to put a couple of lua scripts on my nq 1.2.3 server, I have the scripts but have no idea ho to insert them.

what I know(think)

- need a lua script folder in etmain
- need a code to point to this folder in nq.cfg

I believe to be something like:

set g_luamodules = dynamite, otherscript, otherscript, etc

Have trolled google but have found nothing that specifically tells me how to instal it, the readme files in the scripts I have downloaded do not have a 'how to' section.

any help will result in good karma for the helper :)



On further investigation it looks like lua is not available for NQ 1.2.3...only for 1.2.5 and above...that being said I should update to a newer version of NQ, is there any version which is better(less Bugs) than others!!

p.s. the karma promise still applies :)

25-05-2011, 12:10
Lua supported from 1.2.5 and higher. Personally i should take newest beta version from nq 1.2.9.

26-05-2011, 03:24
Here you go : http://shitstorm.org/noquarter/wiki/index.php?title=Lua_Scripting

Good luck ! =)

26-05-2011, 13:58
Thanks Guys!!

yep found that link so noes I need a newer version...might as well go 1.2.9!!!! Thanks for your replies though, may the karma police treat you both well!

26-05-2011, 14:28
No problem! :)

26-05-2011, 20:27
Furet useful as always ;) thanks i was looking to for that stuff!

27-05-2011, 03:28
lol thank you mate :D

27-05-2011, 15:59

So is the issue solved?


29-05-2011, 00:31
Yes Adrian,

it seems to be Upgrade or bust lol...now which version to upgrade to hhmmmm. Thanks ev one for your replies!


29-05-2011, 10:53
Well if i can bring my opinion, test version and read about. NQ version are very different. I got 123 server now because somes of my member disliked 129. It's very different :P

29-05-2011, 14:28
Thanks Manu,
I have read up on NQwiki about the differences and seems really only a few cvar settings(or quite a few), we are currently 1.2.3 but at times can be abit laggy. We have no major issues with 1.2.3 but thought an upgrade may help attract players. How is it different? Did they do too much? Me personally cant see much diff in any of the mods, jaymod has poison gas, nq kick doors, pub idk lol but the game pretty much seems the same to me. The main thing I wanted from this was a more stable server, more players and DYNO TIMER!!! Any feedback about how it wasnt accepted would be great. We thought of trying it for abit and reinstall 1.2.3 if not liked..but we risk losing players i guess. ofc if any one knows how to put a dyno timmer on 1.2.3 without lua I would be estatic, oh and how to set g_lag 0!!!!

Thanks again Manu for your input,
