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17-05-2011, 13:34

server was ranked on Trackabase, but since some days rank on server not working

18-05-2011, 00:43
Hello , yes noticed that , normally it should be fixed since somedays but hmm apparently not.
I told Paul , he will fix it asap . thx for reporting.

26-06-2011, 12:53
many servers not ranked again :( Why ?

26-06-2011, 13:50
Hello , i checked those IPs and cant find any servers .
Please post the direct links of these servers.
I also tried to add them , but it's not working , it's like servers don't exist.

26-06-2011, 22:40
hmm.. third not working today, but first and second working...

...next day...

ok, first and second servers are on serverlist:

|-n0n-|--|-Now Or Never-| Public v1.33 � mp_radio 14(+13) / 14 TDM 04 minute(s)

|-n0n-|--|-Now Or Never-| Public v1.33 � mp_jungle 14(+13) / 16 Assault 54 minute(s)

but if i joining (with my registered nick) tracker dont see me.

If i can help to search problem my xf: unkassw and i have a free time after 21.00

P.S. yesterday server was ranked, today i play and not ranked :( On serverlist server exists:

[BARRACUDA] [FCB] [XTv3] [1.4 ONLINE1 mp_px_Jungle

WTF ? :D

...next evening...

What is ? :
No XP recorded! Session not ranked!
Rating is disabled on this map! Session not ranked!

OMG, 1/10 of games is ranked :(

10-07-2011, 07:25
hah, is stopped ranked... never i know how server is ranked :(

12-07-2011, 11:34
Hello , please next time give us direct link to your server like that : http://farcry.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=serverinfo&idx=112

It's easier to check whats wrong. Server scanning seems to be working , lets us know if it happens again .

12-07-2011, 22:47
ok look

today i (http://farcry.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=playerinfo&idx=1295) play on the server and: No XP recorded! Session not ranked! Why ?

15-07-2011, 14:07 server no on serverlist
http://farcry.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=serverinfo&idx=54 server not ranked, but is on serverlist - look my game history : http://farcry.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=playerinfo&idx=1295
What is the "XP not recorded?"

omg wtf ????

http://farcry.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=serverinfo&idx=24 not ranking again :(

many, many servers not ranked.. i think fixed it or close FC on trackbase

16-07-2011, 10:59
ok look

today i (http://farcry.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=playerinfo&idx=1295) play on the server and: No XP recorded! Session not ranked! Why ? server no on serverlist
http://farcry.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=serverinfo&idx=54 server not ranked, but is on serverlist - look my game history : http://farcry.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=playerinfo&idx=1295
What is the "XP not recorded?"

omg wtf ????

http://farcry.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=serverinfo&idx=24 not ranking again :(

many, many servers not ranked.. i think fixed it or close FC on trackbase

I checked servers and server scanning is working , but it says you/everyone are spec thats the problem/bug , thats why you dont have rating.
thanks for reporting those bugs ,but things like that
i think fixed it or close FC on trackbase you can keep it for yourself.
You are free to not use Tb.
Paul is gone for a week or something he will fix itat his returns.

16-07-2011, 13:04
Im sorry for my last sentence, but I was already nervous. I hope that the errors will be found. Servers are scanned, but rank not working. I play every day - you can see when I was last charged. greetings

16-07-2011, 21:01
Yeah but unfortunately there is nothing i can do , its an error in the code or something paul will take a look asap when he returns.

17-07-2011, 23:41
Maybe next error. Look 17.07.2011 my history:
both maps mp_urban i play 1vs1. Same server, same map, same number of players. first map ranked, second no ranked

17-07-2011, 23:47
No if you take a look carefully on the one who wasnt rated , its because not enough players had a valid time . only 2 guys have been there for more than 10 mins . the rest is under 6 mins and even 2 mins , so its not enough to count them as player , tracker only saw 2 guys and limit is 4 if im right to get rating .

20-07-2011, 16:54
Someone added my FarCry server here without permission.



I have problems already with people attacking my server and don't want it listed here. The ranking are dominated by hackers and server crashers of FarCry...maybe someday if this site is working properly I would come back but for now I'm not wanting to be listed here.

Cheers and good luck with this website :)

(whoever added my server here I would like to kick them in the pants)

20-07-2011, 17:48
maybe more simple is no writing IP: Port for public eyes ? Server would be ranked and peoples see only name.

(OMG my pants autch :P )

20-07-2011, 17:58
server will be removed then in a bit / some days.
But you have more chance to get your server busy if its listed on TB . but thats your choice.

21-07-2011, 00:09
Finding players is not the issue.

I make (with friends) a mod called XASSM and finally admins can have the power to fully ban cheaters as well as track them when they change cd keys and IP address. These immature pricks are not happy that a new mod comes that can block them from hiding among all the fair players and use their cheats, crash servers and cause all kinds of evil in FC (a great game).

These very cheaters are on the top of the rankings here at trackbase by the way...

I want my server removed because right now it just provides these pricks an easy way to monitor my server from their web browser. I did not put it here for a reason, no hard feelings to anyone...once the mod is finished and alot of servers run it and can ban these cheater losers than ill be happy to be listed here...but for now id like to be off trackbase.

If anyone interested to beta test XASSM on their farCry server please let me know (xfire: paraslug)...thousands of fixes/optimizations...hundreds of new options...and oh yes the ability to ban/track cheaters and evil-doers....also we are working on a full master banlist containing the lowest cheaters/server crashers of far cry as a public service. If alot of servers run this list than we can finally clean up FC...not perfect i know, but its something and something aint nothing. :D

21-07-2011, 16:28
Finding players is not the issue.

I make (with friends) a mod called XASSM and finally admins can have the power to fully ban cheaters as well as track them when they change cd keys and IP address. These immature pricks are not happy that a new mod comes that can block them from hiding among all the fair players and use their cheats, crash servers and cause all kinds of evil in FC (a great game).

These very cheaters are on the top of the rankings here at trackbase by the way...

I want my server removed because right now it just provides these pricks an easy way to monitor my server from their web browser. I did not put it here for a reason, no hard feelings to anyone...once the mod is finished and alot of servers run it and can ban these cheater losers than ill be happy to be listed here...but for now id like to be off trackbase.

If anyone interested to beta test XASSM on their farCry server please let me know (xfire: paraslug)...thousands of fixes/optimizations...hundreds of new options...and oh yes the ability to ban/track cheaters and evil-doers....also we are working on a full master banlist containing the lowest cheaters/server crashers of far cry as a public service. If alot of servers run this list than we can finally clean up FC...not perfect i know, but its something and something aint nothing. :D

For the moment i cant do much , anyway your server isnt tracked/updated/scanned.
and doesnt show players.Later its gonna be deleted as requested.

3-08-2011, 23:36
Its end of topic ? Paul back ? look, many not ranked :(


4-08-2011, 12:14
You can try to catch him on Xfire, his nick is trackbase ;)

4-08-2011, 13:54
Paul is back for some days now. We'll look into this

8-09-2011, 18:36
Ok, Paul is back and... Look:
its last 24 hours. Only 40% session (of visible servers) is ranked :(

Where is dictionary of flags ?

10-09-2011, 02:04
I contacted Paul, if he's not responding any time soon, I'll personally contact him on msn


29-09-2011, 09:29
and ? no answer i see :( Only "No XP Recorded" and more flags :( Who tell me about flags ?

1-10-2011, 12:43
and ? no answer i see :( Only "No XP Recorded" and more flags :( Who tell me about flags ?

Our coding team is currently looking into this
We'll notify you when the issue is solved

Thanks for reporting

16-10-2011, 23:26
hi. Pls add servers

17-10-2011, 22:38
hi. Pls add servers

Servers added , if there is anything else feel free to reply !

13-11-2011, 22:59
sometimes server (Far Cry) not ranked, sometimes ranked..why ?

22-11-2011, 11:10
sometimes server (Far Cry) not ranked, sometimes ranked..why ?

I suppose you mean that server :http://farcry.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=serverinfo&idx=192
Just check and it is working properly.
Maybe sometimes the servercan is stuck thats why ppl dont get any rating .

27-11-2011, 23:44
hi :D again me :D
server and are on trackbase serverlist, but all session not ranked... NO XP RECORDED..Look my sessinn from yesterday

29-11-2011, 16:54
Server scanning is running correctly , so it's not because of that , hmm im gonna report that problem , Paul will take a look at it.
You should get an answer on this thread once it's fixed.

20-03-2012, 17:16
Hello guys,

I am running this server http://farcry.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=serverinfo&idx=316
It's up, everyone can join - all fine but your ranking says that the server is down?!
The IP and the port are the same, nothing changed so I wonder why.
Maybe because I am running a firewall to protect the server.
If that's the point, what to do?
TCP and UDP 49001 are opened.

Best wishes

20-03-2012, 20:20
Thanks for notifying us about this issue - our designated support team will assist you shortly !

21-03-2012, 11:15
Hello guys,

I am running this server http://farcry.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=serverinfo&idx=316
It's up, everyone can join - all fine but your ranking says that the server is down?!
The IP and the port are the same, nothing changed so I wonder why.
Maybe because I am running a firewall to protect the server.
If that's the point, what to do?
TCP and UDP 49001 are opened.

Best wishes

I tried to force the serverscan but server got deleted , you need to add it again . ( it gets automatically deleted if server is down etc ...)
If that doesnt work , you need to PM Paul , he should answer as soon he notice it .

21-03-2012, 15:34
Hi again,

ummm I don't know which nick is Paul :S
I added the server again...well let's say I tried to.
Following message: "Server can not be included in the serverlist due to one of the following reasons:
- This server is NOT a farcry server"

It is a Far Cry server, it has been one since the server is up and your ranking has been working ... till I started the firewall with the opened ports.

Best wishes

21-03-2012, 16:04
You have to pm Pm Paul , only him is able to help you and see whats wrong ,


Or add him on Xfire : trackbase

hes busy for the moment , not sure he will answer immediatly but he will !

26-03-2012, 11:27
Hey guys,

it's been a week since I mailed him, no answer...he still is busy? Or am I forgotten? :D