View Full Version : Map le_mont_st_michel - lmsm_final.pk3 and waypoints

27-05-2023, 11:36

(the readme file)

Basic Information

Author : Massive
Email address : blayney@beeb.net

Map Information

Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : Le Mont St. Michel (Final)
Filename : lmsm_final.pk3
Version : Final Version
Release date : 08/05/2006
Decription : A medium / large sized map designed for public play, reomended for 7 to 20 a side.

Installation : Place the lmsm_beta2.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or
bring down the console and type: map lmsm_beta2.
: NOTE : Reduced HunkMeg usage - Beta1 required seta com_hunkMegs "265" ] in autoexec.cfg Beta2 should use a lot less - it will run standalon in the default setting of 56, although you may need to optimize your server settings to enable players with defualt settings. Please let me know of any hunkmeg issues and solutions omn the forums. I could possibly optimise further in the final release if there are still problems.

# The Allies need to secure the town by taking the church; gain entry to the abbey by blowing the abbey doors or any other means; Locate the Axis Normandy Defence Pans and Take them to the Gun Boat waiting on the North Side of the Island

# The Axis need to prevent the Allies establishing a foothold in the Town by holding the Church. Do not let the allies into the Abbey; if they get in protect the normandy defence plans at any cost, do not let them get them off the Mont.

Additional Map Information/Credits
Thanks & Credits

Blushing Bride, Kevin "chavo one" Ferree and NOP for allowing me to borrow & adapt various elements of their map - Cathedral, Venice and saberpeak.

Special thanks to the guys on the Wolfensteinx Surface forums, especially Detoeni & WeblionX who put in effort and time to help me learn & solve mapping problems.

Thanks also to Jecoliah for his debugging and the exchanges we had whilst learning together.

Many thanks to everyone at http://www.splashdamage.com/ for information about mapping & their help on the forum.

Thanks to Ydnar for the sky and sea merge stuff from his example shaderlab map.

Thanks again to Detoeni for access to his alpine assault search light models.

ken 'kat' beyer for the ladders & I really wanted to work in your kubalwagon, but size restrictions meant cutting the raod entrance to the town :-(.

Thanks to to the guys at DooC clan for helping with playability testing as well as Shunter and other PIT members & friends.

And thanks to anyone else who feels that they deserve thanking who i might have forgotten. Send me an email and ill make a big thanks to you in the next release.

If you put this map in rotation, I would love to know about it, please post on the forum where you linked to this map, or message me on XFire.
Feel free to discuss this map at http://www.wolfensteinx.com/surface/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1587 and leave feedback

Major changes in Final

*Increased areas for mining.
*Have to now get onto the boat with the objective, not just near it
*New buildable fence at the top of the escape stairs.
*New Buildable fence with door in the highsteet before the church.
*When Abbey doors are blown, the spawn does NOT auto switch.
*Need to now build a command post to enable the allied spawn in the abbey.
*Found the "door to nowhere" & fixed.

Major fixes in Beta 2

*Lots of brush simplification & technical jiggery pokery to reduce BSP size & Hunkmag usage
*FPS improvements : 15%+ by my measurements
*A large but'dead' game area removed
*Rope access to abbey removed (I can re-introduce the feature if enough people ask,though it will need to be at a different part of the wall)
*Street signs added + subtle indicators & hints for direction finding
*Some texture tidying & clipping to smooth plaeys passage
*Some door widening to ease gameplay
*Filled out ambient sounds to cover whole map
*Unwanted ww11 sybolism removed
*Exploit where players could walk into pillers fixed (thanks Jec)
*Blocked door at abbey - unbloacked
*Stretched windows - unstretched
*Malfunctioning boat guns removed
*Many gaps in brushes fixed
*Noise added to doors
*Z fighting on stairs to abbey allied spawn
*Missing caulk on abbey church tunnel entrance.

Fixed in Beta1 - after Aplha v1 Release.

*Ladder near green restaurant lengthened so you can get out.
*barbwire added to wall underneath cloister - to increase difficulty og allies escape jump. Also crates added & some walls lowered
*Offensive Poster removed (appologies for my ignorance)
*Added texture to rocks (& changed from desert to temperate, not that anyone will notice)
*Axis door in Abbey door changed to swing the other way.
*Ship fixed - ladders climbable all clip brushes in place etc also includes front firing mounted heavy MG - thanks NOP.
*when abbey doors are blown - axis now auto spawn at abbey & not the church if they still hold it
*the cliffs can now be landmined
*Put a ladder in the pit Gauki (I think) said he couldn't get out of
*more lights added
*I found the bread to go with the sausage.
*Many minor texture glitches
*I had to add a clip to prevent access to some of the abbey roofs, all town roofs should be accessible as before.
*There was a request to widen the window above the abbey doors, which I've done.


Copyright © 2006
This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN

Copyright Permissions.

ID, Activision & Splash Damage. Original game rights.

If authors wish to use textures or models from this level you must ensure you get the permission of the origional author first. My origional textures are limitted to the coloured windows & these may be re-used
