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View Full Version : New rules for Rating transfer / name changing

4-05-2011, 12:41
New Rules 04/05/2011

Hello all gamers, from every game :)

Lately there were many questions about 'transfering rate', 'changing name' and all synonyms that are available for the phenomenon. The answer is simply 'yes' but it will go by certain rules:

Informations about name changing :

100 % rating transfer :
- You can transfer your rate between names without clantags, without losing rate.
- You can transfer names between the same clantag, without losing rate.
- You can transfer clantagged names -> normal names without losing rate.
- Changes between your clan and your squad(s) are free-of charge! ( 100% rating )
95% rating transfer :
- You can transfer normal names -> clantagged names with keeping 95% of your rate.
- You can transfer clantagged name to another clantagged name with keeping 95% of your rate.
So what do i have to do to get my rating transfered ,what are the rules , how to proceed ?


a) Both names must be reserved ON THE SAME ACCOUNT , if not we will not be able to make any transfer.
b) It's strongly recommended that the person concerned ask for the name change.
c) We allow others to post for others , EX : A Leader is allowed to post for one of his clanmembers , but his name MUST BE on the Clanpage.
which means the guy already created his name with the new clantag and ofcourse , name is reserved.

* If one of this requirment is missing , we will not make any transfert

If you want to change your name provide us :
1) put the link of the name you used till now, so the name that will change ( the one with rating )
2) put the link of The NEW name and post your colortags then your new name will have colors

Here is an example :
1) http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=playerinfo&idx=862 Name I used till now we will say rating = 25 :D
2) my new name : http://et.trackbase.net/?mod=playerinfo&idx=1588658 (http://forum.trackbase.net/) colortags : ^1tb.^0Spl@$h~
To avoid any problem on trackbase side , the two names must be reserved on the same account.
Then we can proceed to the change.If unfortunately one of the both names doesnt belong to the owner account , TB TEAM cannot be held for responsible.
The name stealer will be warned once and will get his rating SET TO 0 , and next time there is something wrong , we will not transfer his names anymore.

Kind Regards,
The Trackbase Team ;)

Ask for a rating tranfer , Click here : http://forum.trackbase.net/threads/147-ALL-GAMES-Name-changes (http://forum.trackbase.net/threads/147-ALL-GAMES-Name-changes)

6-05-2011, 13:27
What do you guys do with the 5% of rating that you dont transfer? Do you sell it on Ebay? Is it a transfer tax that goes to the government. Do you send it to Al Gore who says he created the internet? Do you donate it to ID Software to create new game with Q3 engine?

Inquiring minds want to know


6-05-2011, 19:05
Make it 65% from clan to another clan to limit amount of clanhoppers .

11-05-2011, 08:32
Make it 65% from clan to another clan to limit amount of clanhoppers .

that would be great , indeed around 80 %

we dont do anything with the 5% , its just lost.

13-05-2011, 14:37
nice rules

15-05-2011, 15:42
splash could u explain further with the reservation names either here or a pm would be great, if i understand it right i just write in the name i want to reserve (a nick i play with) and it transfer that rating to the my main name ???

15-05-2011, 17:02
i just write in the name i want to reserve (a nick i play with) and it transfer that rating to the my main name ???
You must have registered two nicks on the same TB account (TrickJay for you) and for example:

You have two nicks: ETPlayer with rating 19.53 and ETUIPlayer with rating 6.78. You want to transfer rating from ETPlayer nick to ETUIPlayer. In that case ETUIPlayer will get 19.53 and ETPlayer will get ETUI's 6.78.

I hope it's clear for you now :)

19-05-2011, 19:06
well thanks for info, bitch xddd

28-06-2011, 13:00

17-07-2011, 03:21
Hello Guys :D


17-07-2011, 12:40
Limit name changing by allow a single name change per month to limit these clan hopper (cliclou?).

22-07-2011, 02:24
Yioo Guys :P

Thanks Guys :P

22-07-2011, 03:44
Sorry did not said thank you!

22-07-2011, 03:51
Helloo Matee ;)


Thanks Guys ! =)

22-07-2011, 10:04
Hey , thats not the right section to request a name change , Please post there : http://forum.trackbase.net/threads/147-ALL-GAMES-Name-changes?p=7432#post7432

topic closed.