View Full Version : Why has my reserved name changed all on its own?

3-05-2011, 13:19
My reserved playername .$k@Neon. has magically changed itself to stArs//Neon. overnight. That name was in $k@ which is now apparently dead, but why has my tag set itself to that of another clan?

Edit: It has also lost rate. I read your name changing sticky and it has gone down to 95% of its previous rate level. So am I to presume an admin here on TB decided to change my clan for me?

3-05-2011, 13:34
Hello , we dont decide who goes where , ppl ask for a rating transfert , then i do my job .
Now we allow that clanmates or leaders post for someone else ...

If someone asked for a transfer and you didnt know about it , just tell me and i'll set your rating to the name you want .
Check name changes topic and go to complain to the guy who posted your link .

3-05-2011, 13:43
I was never asked if I wanted my name changed and I never told anybody to change it for me. There are no posts requesting it in the name change forum from me or anybody else that I can see. Out of the four people still listed as in $k@ I am the only one to have his name changed. Besides, it is my decision what clan I am in not whoever happens to be / has been the leader of my previous clan, and there is no confirmation that oly requested anything.

I would appreciate transferring rate from http://et.trackbase.net/?mod=playerinfo&idx=1231298 to http://et.trackbase.net/?mod=playerinfo&idx=161260 and restoring the 5% I lost. Then, renaming http://et.trackbase.net/?mod=playerinfo&idx=1231298 back to "^2.^7$k^2@^7Neon^2.". If you could find out who requested this, it would be nice.

Edit: I know who did it and I won't hold it against them, but I would like the changes requested.

18-05-2011, 00:56
Problem is fixed .
If you have a similar problem and you can not fix by yourself , ask for some help ( create a new topic), thx