View Full Version : TSP not working properly?

ahuevo! rashomon
12-09-2020, 13:39
TSP rating doesn't seem to be working right now.
The leader of the default ranking list has a 0.476 TSP score. Is it properly working? Is it server related? There aren't a lot of players with an actual TSP score. I play on the FA server and remember having a good TSP score in the past but I have 0 at the moment. Anyone can enlighten me on the matter ?

12-09-2020, 14:40
Hello ahuevo! rashomon,

Could you please supply information about the case you are speaking?
I would need details about the server (ID/IP), players affected, possibly session IDs.

Thank you!


ahuevo! rashomon
12-09-2020, 19:24
Well for instance, if you look at EXTRDAWID, #1 ranked on the "normal" ladder (https://et.trackbase.net/player/6074105/) you can see that he has high ratings for maps that he plays on but his TSP is always at 0.

He plays on FA servers and people on the TSP rank list do not play on FA servers apparently, while being the most popular server. Seems like the problem comes from playing on FA server(s): for some reason, data isn't retrieved by TB or FA isn't sending data to TB (I don't know how it technically works).

It is weird seeing the TSP skill list because it doesn't aggregate a lot of players and the TSP score falls down quickly due to the lack of FA players on the list.

e: here is a session ID: https://et.trackbase.net/session/53272325/
Rating: 25, TSP: 0. Every single player on that session got 0.

12-09-2020, 19:51
Hello again,

You are right. It depends on the server. In the case of FA, they are currently using a server version called ET:Legacy. In order for TrackBase to retrieve important and relevant information from the server, the owner would need to run a version called ET 3.00 - TB 0.x.x (https://filebase.trackbase.net/et/server/). Whenever a player plays on a server like that, we can calculate their TBP (TrackBasePoints) rating, or skill rating. It was introduced to benefit everyone with a few fixes from the older ET 2.60b (from 2006) and implement more tracking statistics such as accuracy or revives, other than just receiving XP, possibly only by 'xp whoring' med packs or ammo packs.

It is the sole decision of the server owner which version to use. FA have used ET 3.00 before, thus likely you did have that still in mind and wondered why it suddenly disappeared 'working'.
At any time you can check our server list (https://et.trackbase.net/serverlist/) and see which server is supporting TSP rating (star instead of number, as shown in the legend below the list.

For sure it is always a better idea to look on the Skill Toplist (https://et.trackbase.net/toplist/) rather than just the normal Ranklist (https://et.trackbase.net/ranking/) to find the players who are really good, in all terms and not just at receiving XP. Yet again, it's the decision of anyone hosting a server to choose from which source it should work.

If you still have any questions regarding the TSP rating, feel free to search our forums for older threads or reply to this one.
