View Full Version : |SG|Solid Gaming: a newborn ET community!

31-05-2020, 19:44
Hello to everyone!

I'd like to announce that I have recently been keeping myself busy with creating a new ET community and some servers. Maybe some of you already came across the server(s) in the ET master server list. Our community name is "Solid Gaming" and is focused especially on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory but maybe in the future we might offer support for other games. I stay true to games that support dedicated servers because that allows you to fully customize and host these servers yourself, which I find very fun to do!

Currently we have two (actually three but one will go offline in october 2020) gameservers running on ET 2.60b. A N!tmod server that holds up to 32 players and an ETJump 20 player trickjump server. In the future there might be even more servers to come but we'll have to evaluate that!

|SG| is searching for new members so feel free to visit the servers so they won't be all filled up with bots :-)

Website: http://www.solid-gaming.eu
TrackBase community page: https://et.trackbase.net/clan/1305
Discord Server: http://www.discord.gg/YJnFujC

N!tmod server:


ETJump server:


Kind regards