3-04-2011, 02:34
Hello all!
My ajoints =*S|w*$h@k3, the creator of our clan ( =*S|w*= ) on trackbase has a probleme.
One of our ancient member, (who have banned of our team now) has been stolen the master code of our team on trackbase y changed it.
Can you send a new password on the email of =*S|w*$h@k3 , the account creator of our clan on trackbase and banned this member?
cordially and thanks!
My ajoints =*S|w*$h@k3, the creator of our clan ( =*S|w*= ) on trackbase has a probleme.
One of our ancient member, (who have banned of our team now) has been stolen the master code of our team on trackbase y changed it.
Can you send a new password on the email of =*S|w*$h@k3 , the account creator of our clan on trackbase and banned this member?
cordially and thanks!