View Full Version : [ETL] Bergen, by Detoeni

2-10-2018, 13:50
ETL Bergen v1]
----- Overhaul of the original Bergen by Detoeni-----
This game has seen many years go by and is yet loved by many. To properly honor this, the second map that has been overhauled as part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort is "Bergen, by Detoeni", who of course still deserves all the credit for the original level-design.
This version is merely a visual overhaul of one of the most popular maps this game has ever seen. This is the first version of this map for ET: Legacy.

A big thank you to Titeuf (http://www.moddb.com/members/titeuf-85) for filming the trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeAa6wWPFnc).

The Unterseebootwaffe of the 11th flotilla is harassing Allied shipping in the North Sea. As Operation Arrow descends on the Bergen area of Norway the Axis must protect the base from Allied attempts at sabotage.

to original:
* VO announcements have been adapted by Radar.
– As long as both Main and Side Entrance are active VO is: “defend/destroy entrances”
– As soon as one has been breached VO is: “defend/destroy the side OR main entrance”
* VO announcements for the Footbridge have been added.
* Alarm now sounds in the entire base when either the Side- or Main Entrance have been breached instead of separated alarms.
* The snapping of the tank at certain view-angles has been fixed
* If the Allies hold both the Forward Bunker flag and the CP, the flag is “temporarily secured” until the CP is lost again.
* The Forward Door (before, Transmitter Door 3) is now linked to the generator.
* Spectator limbo cam has been fixed (was inside of terrain).
* Construction materials have been made in the style of original maps.
* Teleport and secret room have been removed.
* Axis rear spawn has been restructured to allow for faster exit.
* Plane shooting down the tank has been replaced with a V1 Rocket to create narrative link to V1_Rocket map by FireFly, which is on the list to be overhauled as well.
* Entity count has been reduced from 568 to 498.
* Structural mesh and VIS blocking have been improved by adjusting vertical differences of the floors.
* Visual changes have been made.

-----Comparison Screenshots-----

See the release post (https://forums.splashdamage.com/t/etl-bergen-by-detoeni/233312) on Splash Damage forums.


ModDB (https://www.moddb.com/mods/etlegacy/addons/etl-bergen-v1)
(Sourcefiles included)

Author: Detoeni
Overhaul: kemon
Brush count: 16.780
Entity count (total): 1.454
Entity count (ingame): 498
Compile parameters: [q3map2] -meta -v -mv 1024 -mi 6144 "[MapFile]"
[q3map2] -vis -saveprt -v "[MapFile]"
[q3map2] -light -samples 8 -samplesize 16 -v -thresh 0.05 -patchshadows -dirty -dirtdepth 256 -external -lightmapsize 1024 -shade -bounce 2 -bouncegrid "[MapFile]"

The mapfile is included.
Original bot waypoints will not work! Please stand by, they will be worked on in the coming days/weeks.

https://i.imgur.com/ooXH42e.png (https://www.etlegacy.com/)
https://i.imgur.com/IqbJVD6.png (https://www.facebook.com/EtLegacy/)
https://i.imgur.com/eidbw4r.png (https://twitter.com/etlegacy?lang=en)
https://i.imgur.com/hfDbRfY.png (https://discordapp.com/invite/UBAZFys)

20-10-2018, 11:18
ETL Bergen v3
----- Overhaul of the original Bergen by Detoeni-----
This game has seen many years go by and is yet loved by many. To properly honor this, the second map that has been overhauled as part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort is "Bergen, by Detoeni", who of course still deserves all the credit for the original level-design.
This version is merely a visual overhaul of one of the most popular maps this game has ever seen. This is the third version of this map for ET: Legacy.

A big thank you to Titeuf (http://www.moddb.com/members/titeuf-85) for filming the trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeAa6wWPFnc).

The Unterseebootwaffe of the 11th flotilla is harassing Allied shipping in the North Sea. As Operation Arrow descends on the Bergen area of Norway the Axis must protect the base from Allied attempts at sabotage.

to previous version:
* Fixed caulk in terrain at forward bunker and northern courtyard. Thank you ryven for reporting.
* Fixed side entrance being unplantable when footbridge was constructed. Thank you Harlekin for reporting.
* Fixed missing footbridge related VO sound for Axis
* Fixed bug where sound wouldn't play when main entrance got destroyed
* Fixed 3 terrain spots where it was possible for the player to either get stuck or be obstructed in their way. Thank you Harlekin for reporting.
* Added cabinet marker in the command map. Thank you IR4T4 and Ensiform for reporting.
* Added lights in forward bunker. Thank you Ensiform for reporting.
* Added audible feedback to generator door levers when generator is destroyed.
* Added base alarm sounding whenever the transmitter area gets breached. This replaces the simple text announcement. Thank you ryven and WuTangH for debugging.
* Added ambient sounds (capturable flag, crickets in nature and birds in trees). Thank you IR4T4 for reporting.
* Adjusted trigger_hurt of v1 rocket to cover entire explosion area. Thank you Harlekin for reporting.
* Adjusted terrain at side entrance to prevent the easiest TJs. Thank you Aciz and ryven for extensive feedback.
* Adjusted MG murderhole at side entrance to reduce shooting against the insides. Also adjusted its varc. Thank you ryven for reporting.
* Adjusted tree at side path to no longer be partially inside the cliff. Thank you Harlekin for reporting.
* Replaced generator command map icon with standard icons to clarify mission objective. Thank you Harlekin for reporting.
* Replaced tree between forward bunker and allied mg blocking line of sight. Thank you Mateos for reporting.
* Removed little tree at side path blocking movement and visibility. Thank you Harlekin for reporting.
* Reduced brushcount of terrain significantly and added hills between forward bunker and rear base to increase VIS blocking and performance. Thank you Aciz and ryven for reporting.

v2 to v1:
* Various clipping issues have been fixed, where players could get stuck. Thank you Aciz and WuTangH for reporting.
* Various TJ possibilities have been removed, to prevent not intended, easy access to map objectives. Thank you Aciz for reporting.
– As a result, the river at the Side Entrance had to be widened as the only real solution.
* Lighting has been improved at various locations. Thank you Aciz for reporting.
* A missing shader issue at the transmitter controls has been fixed. Thank you [UJE]Niek for reporting.
* Side Entrance entity setup has been revised. Thank you ryven for debugging.
* Bot waypoints are now available at the omnibot repo. Thank you Mateos for creating bot support.
* Terrain shader issue inside the bunker corridors, which lead to dirt splashes when shooting the ground, has been resolved. Thank you [UJE]Niek for reporting.
* Terrain brushwork has been adjusted to remove a caulk leak at the main entrance. Thank you ryven for reporting.
* Ambient sounds have been added for 2 fireplaces and 1 generator. Thank you IR4T4 for reporting.
* Moved a hovering lamp at the transmitter controls bunker. Thank you Aciz for reporting.

to original:
* VO announcements have been adapted by Radar.
– As long as both Main and Side Entrance are active VO is: “defend/destroy entrances”
– As soon as one has been breached VO is: “defend/destroy the side OR main entrance”
* VO announcements for the Footbridge have been added.
* Alarm now sounds in the entire base when either the Side- or Main Entrance have been breached instead of separated alarms.
* The snapping of the tank at certain view-angles has been fixed
* If the Allies hold both the Forward Bunker flag and the CP, the flag is “temporarily secured” until the CP is lost again.
* The Forward Door (before, Transmitter Door 3) is now linked to the generator.
* Spectator limbo cam has been fixed (was inside of terrain).
* Construction materials have been made in the style of original maps.
* Teleport and secret room have been removed.
* Axis rear spawn has been restructured to allow for faster exit.
* Plane shooting down the tank has been replaced with a V1 Rocket to create narrative link to V1_Rocket map by FireFly, which is on the list to be overhauled as well.
* Entity count has been reduced from 568 to 524.
* Structural mesh and VIS blocking have been improved by adjusting vertical differences of the floors.
* Visual changes have been made.


ModDB (https://www.moddb.com/mods/etlegacy/addons/etl-bergen-v3)
(Sourcefiles included)

Author: Detoeni
Overhaul: kemon
Brush count: 15.520
Entity count (total): 1.517
Entity count (ingame): 524
Compile parameters: [q3map2] -meta -v -mv 1024 -mi 6144 "[MapFile]"
[q3map2] -vis -saveprt -v "[MapFile]"
[q3map2] -light -samples 8 -samplesize 16 -v -thresh 0.05 -patchshadows -dirty -dirtdepth 256 -external -lightmapsize 1024 -shade -bounce 2 -bouncegrid "[MapFile]"

The mapfile is included.
Original bot waypoints will not work! Please stand by, they will be worked on in the coming days/weeks.

https://i.imgur.com/ooXH42e.png (https://www.etlegacy.com/)
https://i.imgur.com/IqbJVD6.png (https://www.facebook.com/EtLegacy/)
https://i.imgur.com/eidbw4r.png (https://twitter.com/etlegacy?lang=en)
https://i.imgur.com/hfDbRfY.png (https://discordapp.com/invite/UBAZFys)

20-10-2018, 12:30
KeMoN, I really like the fact that you are still putting all this effort into this game. You are obviously a very intelligent person and I can tell by your posts. Keep up the great work.

Can't wait to play some of your maps in the future.

ET 4 Life <3