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View Full Version : The time is nearing soon for final facts/history/callout/names/faces/flags etc.

8-09-2018, 18:20
As the title says. This game has been ruined in terms of fairness and it's getting close to the final callout (of WHO these failed admins are and what actions they did not take to improve the game before it ended earlier than it should have due to cheats), if things do not drastically change with regards to these ET frauds being allowed to still play with no issues, which has been happening for years honestly but there are no longer any admins or skilled players who even remain around at this time. I played this game since the first week it came out and I invested months and months of time into rating and being #1 ranked before I saw the toplist transform to what it is today = absolute sham. This site should be renamed to TrackBot, as JoNny is still around posting updates about certain things related to ET (maps, events etc), but he doesn't even care about the fact the the toplist (main part of the reason this site started besides checking servers which are empty from what I have seen except a few which need to be shut down because they are so infected (cheats) that it's sickening to see this game fall like this when it's such a great game for fun. If it were cleaned up (only a few administrators have the admin to do this and they have failed 100% the entire ET world), there is no doubt that some of the older players who left just for this reason (thousands) would start making their way back from some memories and good clean ET fun. I can look at toplist and right away see the same losers who were around years and years ago still around because this is the ONLY thing in their lives that they are good at and gives them a sense of accomplishment in life, and it's REALLY all based on lies and fake stats. The truth about how this game fell so hard will be exposed in the very end if it doesn't get cleaned up as there is no more reason to hide the truth and keep doing cover ups of the truth like these admins did for so many years due to being incompetent and not skilled enough (noobs or fine people are cheating , no other explanation at this point due to them sitting on their hands for years and years and actually thinking their anti-cheat is working still). It takes a professional/skilled #1 admin who has been around who is honest themselves 100%, to actually see right through the humanized bullshit that is obviously allowed to take place at this point in the game. The admins I am speaking about have hidden their faces for the entire time and it proves they are not sure of who they really are in life themselves, which also plays into everything I saiv above, and will be saying when the time is right and it's proven they have failed the entire ET World for good without even admitting they are finished.

Once more - it's time for these admins to get honest with themselves 100% before they let the game die to these losers in life who do not care about anyone but themselves because they suck outside of ET, obviously. In the end, and obvious to anyone who is intelligent - if these admins cannot be honest 100% they are fake and are just as bad, if not worse than the cheaters themselves, because they are letting far more players down and reason the game is where it is today - on it's last leg if not worse. F|A will soon be run down to less and less players, if it hasn't already been like I watched all the other popular servers over the last decade fall victim to. I also noticed the these servers failed because it all came back to who was running the servers. If the head admins do not admit there is cheating, or perhaps don't even know how many cheats there actually have been and are today, than the servers simply have no chance to remain busy and will end up closing down like the hundreds of others that thought they knew what they were doing (letting cheats play even with valid reports from good players/pros). This is all factual and I am speaking right from my mind and it's studied ET and this site so long I can see exactly what's happening without even going onto the servers until later this year (same names from before, same losers ruining the game and being fakes like they are in life).

Thanks for reading, just like the past everything above is truthful and will be if final posts are needed and it's time to move on from this corrupted game full of bots,
#1 ET rater/public player