29-06-2018, 12:11
Hello raters, players and all other people which I forget,
After all the problems that have been coming up we decided to retry to make it possible to do better tracking.
Weeks have gone over with developing a new tracker which can connect to a server and fetch additional playerstats.
We are currently still testing this new system, but it is almost ready for a full-scale test. With this new system we're able to read out the following (extra) data:
Weapon (total) stats => HITS, SHOTS, KILLS, DEATHS & HEADSHOTS
XP => Per skill: Battle sense, light weapons, heavy weapons, medic, engineer, field ops, covert ops & soldier
Damage => Damage given, Damage received & Team damage
Since we like our community so much, we decided to take this to a public discussion. What needs to be discussed is which value will replace the "XP", in this discussion it's NOT needed to take factors as how many + or - rate and map length etc. Just talk about the new "total point value" for a map.
The old system will NOT stop running, but this new system will run at the same time, making a double ranking for the time being.
Any questions? Fire ahead!
Kind Regards,
The Trackbase Team
After all the problems that have been coming up we decided to retry to make it possible to do better tracking.
Weeks have gone over with developing a new tracker which can connect to a server and fetch additional playerstats.
We are currently still testing this new system, but it is almost ready for a full-scale test. With this new system we're able to read out the following (extra) data:
Weapon (total) stats => HITS, SHOTS, KILLS, DEATHS & HEADSHOTS
XP => Per skill: Battle sense, light weapons, heavy weapons, medic, engineer, field ops, covert ops & soldier
Damage => Damage given, Damage received & Team damage
Since we like our community so much, we decided to take this to a public discussion. What needs to be discussed is which value will replace the "XP", in this discussion it's NOT needed to take factors as how many + or - rate and map length etc. Just talk about the new "total point value" for a map.
The old system will NOT stop running, but this new system will run at the same time, making a double ranking for the time being.
Any questions? Fire ahead!
Kind Regards,
The Trackbase Team