View Full Version : Squads

5-11-2017, 14:41
Hi, I have a question where to add a team I'm referring to subpages

The current page is mine http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=claninfo&cidx=1196&squad-o

I would like to add such under the page :


i do not know where i can put additional information about the server i have them just on the right but i see that other clans have more elaborate their sites :RE

My Nick http://et.trackbase.net/player/3824914/

5-11-2017, 22:14
Hello fejcyk,

as you could have seen on the first link you supplied, there is a link to request a squad: http://forum.trackbase.net/threads/280-W-ET-Squad-Registrations

You need a separate name for that. With a separate tag.
