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View Full Version : Normal cpu temperature

17-09-2017, 20:19

im using toshiba satellite laptop, and I have a question about normal or average cpu temperature. From what ive seen my temperature jumps while im in game from 60 to 80 celsius. Im just wondering is that low/normal/high? What should be some average temperature?


18-09-2017, 19:45
ingame 65°C should be fine. Did you clean the fan and the cooling rips?
my old laptop had 96°C cpu and 116°C gpu :D. At 116 the laptop was shut down.
After cleaning ingame cpu 65°C, gpu 70°C

19-09-2017, 19:33
Thx Jay for the info, and no I wasnt been cleaning it, cuz I dont know how and really dont wanna screw up something because its only comp in a house. :D

20-09-2017, 12:35
wich laptop model you have? i could take a look if its easy or difficult to clean.
I have a bad model, i have to decompile the whole laptop. Others have a place where you can open it easy.

20-09-2017, 12:58
wich laptop model you have? i could take a look if its easy or difficult to clean.
I have a bad model, i have to decompile the whole laptop. Others have a place where you can open it easy.

Model is toshiba satellite l750d.

Thanks for your time.

20-09-2017, 21:32
its not that difficult. But i think you will better not try it :).
