View Full Version : [Script]Class Selector
This is Simple Class Selector It also can easily edited.
This is the keys you will change the class can be edited.
F6 - Team toggle
F7- Medic
F8 - Field Ops
F9 - Engineer
F10 - Covert Ops
F11 - Soldier
F12 - Spectator
File is attached here.6
19-10-2010, 16:27
This is Simple Class Selector It also can easily edited.
This is the keys you will change the class can be edited.
F6 - Team toggle
F7- Medic
F8 - Field Ops
F9 - Engineer
F10 - Covert Ops
F11 - Soldier
F12 - Spectator
File is attached here.6
thanks for script
No problem and your more than welcome :)
12-11-2010, 21:02
I can't open "read me" =(. can you explain what i need to do with the files.
heres the info:
Place all 3 files in the etmain directory and only execute class.cfg from your autoexec.cfg. The other 2 files will be executed from class.cfg.
imo your class script is unnecessary big. you can simply use the following lines too:
//NUMpad 0-3 // 0 = medi, 1= engi, 2 = COps, 3 = Fops
//switching WPNs for engi and COps by press 1 or 2 again
bind kp_ins "class m 1;echo ^wclass^3.^1Medic"
bind kp_pgdn "class f 1;echo ^wclass^3.^1Field Op"
bind kp_end "vstr engi"
bind kp_downarrow "vstr cop"
seta engi "vstr eng1"
seta eng1 "class e 1;echo ^wEngineer^3.^dMP;set engi vstr eng2"
seta eng2 "class e 2;echo ^wEngi^3.^1Rifle;set engi vstr eng1"
seta cop "vstr cop1"
seta cop1 "class c 1;echo ^1STEN;set cop vstr cop2"
seta cop2 "class c 2;echo ^4FG;set cop vstr cop3"
seta cop3 "class c 3;echo ^7SNIPER;set cop vstr cop1"
//NUMpad 4-6 //4 = axis, 5= spec, 6= allies
bind kp_rightarrow "team blue;echo ^wAllied^3.^dteam"
bind kp_leftarrow "team red;echo ^wAxis^3.^1team"
bind kp_5 "team spectator;echo ^wSpectator"
soldier isnt included, because i dont play soldier.
21-11-2010, 18:55
Thank you =)
heres the info:
Place all 3 files in the etmain directory and only execute class.cfg from your autoexec.cfg. The other 2 files will be executed from class.cfg.
imo your class script is unnecessary big. you can simply use the following lines too:
//NUMpad 0-3 // 0 = medi, 1= engi, 2 = COps, 3 = Fops
//switching WPNs for engi and COps by press 1 or 2 again
bind kp_ins "class m 1;echo ^wclass^3.^1Medic"
bind kp_pgdn "class f 1;echo ^wclass^3.^1Field Op"
bind kp_end "vstr engi"
bind kp_downarrow "vstr cop"
seta engi "vstr eng1"
seta eng1 "class e 1;echo ^wEngineer^3.^dMP;set engi vstr eng2"
seta eng2 "class e 2;echo ^wEngi^3.^1Rifle;set engi vstr eng1"
seta cop "vstr cop1"
seta cop1 "class c 1;echo ^1STEN;set cop vstr cop2"
seta cop2 "class c 2;echo ^4FG;set cop vstr cop3"
seta cop3 "class c 3;echo ^7SNIPER;set cop vstr cop1"
//NUMpad 4-6 //4 = axis, 5= spec, 6= allies
bind kp_rightarrow "team blue;echo ^wAllied^3.^dteam"
bind kp_leftarrow "team red;echo ^wAxis^3.^1team"
bind kp_5 "team spectator;echo ^wSpectator"
soldier isnt included, because i dont play soldier.
Thanks for telling him how :)
Btw i need help :)
bind rightarrow "team blue;echo ^7.^0Allies"
bind uparrow "team spectator";echo ^7^0Spectator"
bind leftarrow "team red;echo ^7.^0Axis"
Work in all the mod..
But then,
bind F4 "class m 1;say_buddy ^7.^0MEDIC"
bind F5 "vstr engi"
bind F6 "class f 1;say_buddy ^7.^0FIELD"
bind F7 "vstr cop"
bind F8 "vstr sol"
seta engi "vstr eng1"
seta eng1 "class e 1;say_buddy ^0ENGI ^3/ SMG^7>;set engi vstr eng2"
seta eng2 "class e 2;say_buddy ^0ENGI ^3/ RIFLE^7>;set engi vstr eng1"
seta cop "vstr cop1"
seta cop1 "class c 1;say_buddy ^0COVERT ^3/ STEN^7>;set cop vstr cop2"
seta cop2 "class c 2;say_buddy ^0COVERT ^3/ FG42^7>;set cop vstr cop3"
seta cop3 "class c 3;say_buddy ^0COVERT ^3/ SNIPER^7>;set cop vstr cop1"
seta sol "vstr sol1"
seta sol1 "class s 2;say_buddy ^0SOLDIER ^3/ MG42^7>;set sol vstr sol2"
seta sol2 "class s 3;say_buddy ^0SOLDIER ^3/ FLAMMER^7>;set sol vstr sol3"
seta sol3 "class s 4;say_buddy ^0SOLDIER ^3/ PANZER^1NOOB^7>^1:o;set sol vstr sol4"
seta sol4 "class s 5;say_buddy ^0SOLDIER ^3/ MORTAR^7>;set sol vstr sol1"
This one doesn't work in jaymod... i play a lot nq so it's not a problem.. but i would fix why it doesn't work in jay ^^
Thank you :)
Make an class1.cfg put this into it.
// Class selector script of lighty
// If you want to change the binded keys, you have to change them in all 3 files.
// Current binds
// Insert - Team toggle
// 1 - Medic
// 2 - Field Ops
// 3 - Engineer
// 4 - Covert Ops
// 5 - Soldier
// 6 - Spectator
// Keys
bind KP_INS "vstr teamtoggle"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "team s; ^7Team{ Spec
// Script
set menu "echo ^7Insert: ALLIES/AXIS | 1: MEDIC; echo 2: FIELD OPS | 3: ENGINEER; echo 4: COVERT OPS | 5: ^7SOLDIER; echo 6: SPECTATOR"
set teamb "set teamtoggle vstr teamr;exec allies1.cfg; echo ^7Team{ Allies ;vstr menu"
set teamr "set teamtoggle vstr teamb;exec axis1.cfg; echo ^7Team{ Axis;vstr menu"
set teamtoggle "vstr teamb"
echo ^7clAss selector cFg ^7loAded
Then make this file allies1.cfg
// Class selector script - Allies
// Keys
bind KP_END "vstr medic"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "vstr field"
bind KP_PGDN "vstr engineer"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "vstr covert"
bind KP_5 "vstr soldier"
// Script
set medic "team b 1 8 37;play sound/chat/axis/62a ; say_team ^5Medic Thomp"
set field "team b 3 8 37; play sound/chat/axis/64a; say_team ^5Field Ops Thomp"
set eng1 "team b 2 8 37; play sound/chat/axis/63a; say_team ^5Eng Thom; set engineer vstr eng2"
set eng2 "team b 2 24 37; play sound/chat/axis/63a; say_team ^5Eng G.lancher; set engineer vstr eng1"
set engineer "vstr eng1"
set cov1 "team b 4 25 37; play sound/chat/axis/65a; say_team ^5Cvops Garand; set covert vstr cov2"
set cov2 "team b 4 33 37; play sound/chat/axis/65a; say_team ^5Cvops FG42; set covert vstr cov3"
set cov3 "team b 4 10 37; play sound/chat/axis/65a; say_team ^5Cvops Sten; set covert vstr cov1"
set covert "vstr cov1"
set sol1 "team b 0 5 8; play sound/chat/axis/61a ; say_team ^5Soldier PF; set soldier vstr sol2"
set sol2 "team b 0 31 8; play sound/chat/axis/61a; say_team ^5Soldier MG42; set soldier vstr sol3"
set sol3 "team b 0 35 8;play sound/chat/axis/61a; say_team ^5Soldier Mort; set soldier vstr sol4"
set sol4 "team b 0 6 8; play sound/chat/axis/61a; say_team ^5Soldier Ft; set soldier vstr sol1"
set soldier "vstr sol1"
And now make an axis1.cfg
// Class selector script - Axis
// Keys
bind KP_END "vstr medic"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "vstr field"
bind KP_PGDN "vstr engineer"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "vstr covert"
bind KP_5 "vstr soldier"
// Script
set medic "team r 1 3 38; play sound/chat/axis/62a; say_team ^5Medic MP40"
set field "team r 3 3 38; play sound/chat/axis/64a; say_team ^5Field MP40"
set eng1 "team r 2 3 38;play sound/chat/axis/63a; say_team ^5Eng MP40; set engineer vstr eng2"
set eng2 "team r 2 23 38;play sound/chat/axis/63a; say_team ^5Eng K43; set engineer vstr eng1"
set engineer "vstr eng1"
set cov1 "team r 4 32 38; play sound/chat/axis/65a; say_team ^5Cvops Ops K43; set covert vstr cov2"
set cov2 "team r 4 33 38; play sound/chat/axis/65a; say_team ^5Cvops Ops FG42; set covert vstr cov3"
set cov3 "team r 4 10 38; play sound/chat/axis/65a; say_team ^5Cvops Sten; set covert vstr cov1"
set covert "vstr cov1"
set sol1 "team r 0 5 3; play sound/chat/axis/61a; say_team ^5Soldier PF; set soldier vstr sol2"
set sol2 "team r 0 31 3; play sound/chat/axis/61a; say_team ^5Soldier MG42; set soldier vstr sol3"
set sol3 "team r 0 35 3; play sound/chat/axis/61a; say_team ^5Soldier Mort; set soldier vstr sol4"
set sol4 "team r 0 6 3; play sound/chat/axis/61a; say_team ^5Soldier Ft; set soldier vstr sol1"
set soldier "vstr sol1"
Put the files into the etmain and exec the class1.
10-09-2011, 14:34
Link from 1st post does not work.
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