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View Full Version : Name search

15-03-2016, 20:45
When searching a name and clicking on that name works fine. But than when returning to the name list I get this error. So I have to return one page more and search again.

Is this just my Chrome being annoying or is it a bug on the website?

16-03-2016, 00:52
Hey Tamezor,

this is no bug but it is highly uncomfortable. The usual way to fix this is to press f5 (reload the page / imitate the request - this includes your search field input) just after you pressed the page-back button in your browser.

The code on that page is mostly the same since 5+ years and not out for a good user experience.
I quickly changed some stuff in the code so the page works with get requests now instead of post requests. Still it's not cool but at least you can now go back a page without having to reload it or anything like that.

Feel free to reply if you like it or not and if there's still something that can be improved. :)
Thanks for your feedback!

Go to search (http://et.trackbase.net/search)


23-03-2016, 17:12
It works fine now, thank you!