View Full Version : looking for good shrubbt

13-08-2015, 21:50
hello all
i was looking for good shrubbot
wih alot of adminlvls
and funy commands like : !gib !pizza !beer
can u help me

25-08-2015, 14:50
!gib should be included in the NQ shrubbot already.

Here a few of my shrubs, that should give you an idea of how to make your own.

Let me know if you want to customise something you cant work out.

This can help nq shrubs (http://shitstorm.org/noquarter/wiki/index.php?title=Shrubbot)


level = 0
name = ^m|* ^1Aww Poor Guy ^m*|
flags = ahMC

level = 1
name = ^m|* ^1Welcomed Regular ^m*|
flags = ahMCz

level = 2
name = ^m|* ^1Trusted Friend ^m*|
flags = ahMCztP

level = 3
name = ^m|* ^8Private First Class ^m*|
flags = ahMCPpRmztI

level = 4
name = ^m|* ^8Sergeant ^m*|
flags = ahiMnCztPpRmAckI

level = 5
name = ^m|* ^8Lieutenant ^m*|
flags = ahiMnCztPpRmAckgi1I

level = 6
name = ^m|* ^3Captain ^m*|
flags = ahMCztPpRmnAckgixw15I

level = 7
name = ^m|* ^3Major ^m*|
flags = ahMCztPpRmnAckgixwUBE15I

level = 8
name = ^m|* ^8Lieutenant ^3Colonel ^m*|
flags = ahMCztPpRmnAckgixwUBELV145rI

level = 9
name = ^m|* ^8Colonel ^m*|
flags = adhMCztPpRsmAckgixwUBELVnf14590Ie

level = 10
name = ^m|* ^1Major ^dGeneral ^m*|
flags = adhMCztPpRmAckgixwUBELVnfbKZgs123456790Ie

level = 11
name = ^m|* ^dGeneral ^m*|
flags = !@*

level = 16
name = NO_GUID ^3I need an ETKEY in
flags = ahMC

name = I need an ETKEY
guid = [NO_GUID]
level = 16
flags =

command = poop
exec = playsound sound/shrub/fart.wav ; qsay ^kNow that don't sound go0od!
desc = plays fart sound
levels = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

command = addtags
exec = rename [n] ^m|*^1BS^m*|[n]
desc = add clan tags to your name
levels = 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

command = afk
exec = put [n] s ; cp [n] ^3will be back soon!! ; playsound sound/shrub/brb.wav
desc = puts yourself spec
levels = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

command = beer
exec = cp [n] ^3Gives [r] ^4A large, cold beer!!!
desc = gives the person who revived you a tall frothy
levels = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

command = camp
exec = playsound sound/shrub/camper.wav ; qsay [d] ^9Need's a TENT!!!
desc = plays sound (use when shot by a camper!)
levels = 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

command = colors
exec = qsay ^11^22^33^44^55^66^77^88^99^00^qq^ww^ee^rr^tt^yy^u u^ii^oo^pp^aa^ss^dd^ff^gg^hh^jj^kk^ll^zz^xx^cc^vv^ bb^nn^mm
desc = colors
levels = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

cp = centre print ie middle of screen
qsay = message displayed in chat area
playsound = plays the .wav file from the path given ie playsound sound/shrub/spam.wav

multiple commands in the exec line are separated by ;


[a] Last player who gave you ammo
[b] Last teammate who teambleeded you (New in 1.2.7)
[c] Amount of teamdamage the last teammate inflicted on you (New in 1.2.7)
[d] Last player who killed you
[f] Last teammate who called for ammo from a fieldops (New in 1.2.7)
[h] Last player who gave you health
[k] Last player you killed
[l] Your current location
[m] Last teammate who called for a medic (New in 1.2.7)
[n] Your nickname
[p] Teammate you're currently pointing at
[r] Last player who revived you
[s] Your current health
[t] Ammo for current weapon
[w] Weapon you're currently holding
[x] Last player who connected to the server (New in 1.2.7)

25-08-2015, 16:15
Jemstar, Do u know something about Silent?
I have alot of problems with my server.cfg and i don't know how to add maps. Could u help me?

Thanks in advance.


25-08-2015, 18:06
Jemstar, Do u know something about Silent?
I have alot of problems with my server.cfg and i don't know how to add maps. Could u help me?

Thanks in advance.


bambu, there are plenty of resources around. You haven't even took a look at the silent mod wiki it seems.

25-08-2015, 19:57
I have search for it like 2days, and i didn't found, how that i add maps to the server. Im getting tired of it. I even don't know what it all means and stuff..

25-08-2015, 21:59
I have search for it like 2days, and i didn't found, how that i add maps to the server. Im getting tired of it. I even don't know what it all means and stuff..
I'd really rather not spoon feed you the information, when i can google your problems.

Create a cfg named objective.cfg put it in your etmain folder ( if we looked there we could already see the map configuration files anyways. obj.cfg/camp.cfg/stopwatch.cfg etc. )

Now we're going to open that cfg and we're going to add some information that we got from
silent mod..

set d1 "set g_gametype 2 ; map sw_oasis_b3 ; set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "set g_gametype 2 ; map mlb_daybreak ; set nextmap vstr d3"
set d3 "set g_gametype 2 ; map supplydepot2 ; set nextmap vstr d4"
set d4 "set g_gametype 2 ; map mlb_temple; set nextmap vstr d5"
set d5 "set g_gametype 2 ; map baserace; set nextmap vstr d6"
set d6 "set g_gametype 2 ; map et_mor2_night_final; set nextmap vstr d7"
set d7 "set g_gametype 2 ; map venice_ne4; set nextmap vstr d8"
set d8 "set g_gametype 2 ; map fueldump; set nextmap vstr d9"
set d9 "set g_gametype 2 ; map UJE_00 ; set nextmap vstr d10"
set d10 "set g_gametype 2 ; map goldrush ; set nextmap vstr d1"
vstr d1

and with another simple google we can find that we need to execute this config in our server.cfg

So open up your server.cfg file (if you're using default silent installation it will be called silent.cfg ) at the end of this file you're going to add " exec objective.cfg " ( without quotes ) start your server there are your maps.

Note: You need to actually have these maps inside of your ETmain folder. You will also need to get the BSP names of each map.
9/10 the BSP names are the same as the actual map names.

To find these you would just rename the pk3 extension to .rar open it up.

Then you'll see this.


go into /maps/ directory and you'll see the name of the map with a bsp Extension


That is the name of the map and you will need to use this EXACT name as the name you will put inside of your objective.cfg

E.g We looked at aldernest so in our objective.cfg we are going to put

set d1 "set g_gametype 2 ; map adlernest; set nextmap vstr d2"

Most maps are the same as their name, but some of different.

Regards, VJ*

26-08-2015, 18:44
Pfft, still don't get it. Where does the files need to be? Our provider is FragWise and theres no much information on it.. Anyways Thanks.


26-08-2015, 21:30
Pfft, still don't get it. Where does the files need to be? Our provider is FragWise and theres no much information on it.. Anyways Thanks.


You're provider should have a support ticket option.... And i'm not sure where you're going with this, I have given you the information, it's in clear text.

Note: You need to actually have these maps inside of your ETmain folder

Create a cfg named objective.cfg put it in your etmain folder

26-08-2015, 21:44
The first google search result (https://www.google.com/?q=how+to+add+wolf+et+server+maps#q=how+to+add+wol f+et+server+maps). Your welcome.

Also I find VJ's post very helpful and easy to understand. You are always welcome to ask for advanced help :)


27-08-2015, 17:47

29-08-2015, 02:29
lol spoon feed

29-08-2015, 11:47
Lol i even don't understand what u are talking about, i found it cuz of help by someone else.

4-09-2015, 14:27
thnx jem
and btw can u plz tell me where i put it (the path)

4-09-2015, 22:25
No probs Joker!

It goes in the nq folder. Call the file shrubbot.cfg.
