View Full Version : Does everyone compile the old kind of games?

14-02-2015, 16:05
Hi guys!

FarCry is incredible dead for an question like my one, so I am gonna ask an more active community like the W:ET one.
The FC servers are all kind of windows servers today(And only root servers), and only buy a FC server without buying a big root is impossible, not like in W:ET, so you have the good luke already :P

Now that I saw that your kind of mods like Silent are available for Windows and Linux servers, and the most W:ET servers are Linux servers, I want to ask if everyone has already the old kind of Systems of linux and GCC(Ex:3.4.0) used to compile the .so files of the old games.
Cause our Source codes are not available for the systems of today.

And FC is from 2003 and W:ET is not so far away, I want to ask if someone of the W:ET community has already the possibility to compile SourceCodes for linux. I know kinds of MakeFile will be needed ;)

For resum all that, I search a guy that can compile an sourcecode for me, this would be very nice. =)
Thanks in Advance for all Reply's. :kahve:
Kr!eger (Sorry if failures in the text, because I am ill at the moment :sick:)

14-02-2015, 16:41
FarCry source was never release as far as I know so you can't do much without it. Reverse engineering is still possible but it is not legal.

14-02-2015, 16:48
The SDK and SourceCodes where released few years ago, for manny patches from 1.1 to 1.31, 1.33 and 1.40.
The codes where used for the Modding Community. Thats why modes and external Patches Exists.

And the Publisher released specialy one of the most important SourceCodes, the CryGame.
And you can download it specialy from the publisher website. And I have it on the PC.
Edit: If you Hear FARCRY be correct that I am speaking about FC1 not FC2/FC3 or FC4 ;-)

14-02-2015, 17:16
Could you post a link to the code of actual engine?

14-02-2015, 17:46
The code I need compiled for linux(CryGame.so), is this one: Click Me For Download :D (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/154934388/CryGame%20C%2B%2B.rar)
I have an small linux root, with Debian 7 64Bit and I think the most new GCC version, and to compile it had not worked, and the errors had maked me crazy.
So I know an older linux version will be needed, and in Gcc i remember something about v3.4.0 I think.
So specialy, the newer versions are not compatible to compile it. So in the FCC there is no one, who can help in these times of 2015, in the old times the admins had compiled that code for there servers, but the finisht compiled CryGame.so where only downloadable from there clan sites, and these sites/people does not exist anymore. So I hope someone of the nice W:ET can help to compile this code.
And Yes, I know my post has nothing todo with W:ET, but this forum is one of my last possibilitys to find someone.
And I am gonna Thank a lot to this guy.


14-02-2015, 23:53
This is only SDK code I suppose, the source code of FarCry engine would be much bigger.

Post your compilation log please.

You should be able to compile it with newest GCC, there's no point in getting ancient 3.4 version.

15-02-2015, 07:49
I said that the publisher had realesed an SDK, with the code of one file, the CryGame.
I had not found any log file with these errors on my machine.
Nope we were not able to compile it, not only me if not other people had the same problem than me. Try it at your self, if it works than Thank you very much, if not than you have the same problem than me.


16-02-2015, 21:03
What are you planning to do in this code?

16-02-2015, 21:19
Nothing, I want it compiled, this is the SourceCode, I want it compiled as a .so file. :crying::crying:
What do you mean with "What are you planning to do in this code?", nothing, I want it compiled only, its so difficuld to understant? I feel like if I am speaking in Chinese. :crying:


16-02-2015, 21:24
There's no point in compiling it if you are not planning to work on it. Just install latest FC patch and have fun. Trying to compile it just to get it compiled is a waste of time.

16-02-2015, 22:11
I dont need to work on this code more time cause it is finisht, thats why I am searching one who canvompile it for linux please.
My plans and work is finisht yet, no more work or plans i need to do, understant now? I said nothing cause my plans are finisht yet, on someday i need to finish i am not gonna keep this code in work for 80years. The final plan is to put the compiled file on working servers.

So back to my topic, can someone please do me the favour to compile me the code for linux too.


16-02-2015, 22:31
The code you posted is very same as latest FarCry patch, there's no need to compile it and I highly doubt anybody from here would compile it anyway.

17-02-2015, 07:38
The latest version is 1,40 the latest linuxversion is 1.33 this is an mofified 1,4 code, the support was stopped in the old times faster than they realesed an 1.4 linux version.
Thats the latest patch, and i need it compiled for update my servers to 1.4 cause there are on 1.33.
With making me 2000 questions you are not helpfull, realy.

I want to help my own favourite and still best game, look into the serverlist, and you will see why I need that code compiled. For update it on 1.4 and available my servers, for give more servers and possibilities
If the same happens for W:ET I would to help too, cause for me no one good game should die.
So I am shouting for help, only that someone can make that.
