View Full Version : BEGINNERS WORLD XPSAVE !help

25-11-2014, 08:42

Because I have now a decent base players on my server, and rating, I need your support to have it well printed on TrackBase, with the right informations :

1/ Can you set my TB account as 'server admin' (the owner is [DIABOLIK] clan) ?

2/ Server shows 'FriendlyFire Enabled' but it is not the case.

3/ With my previous server, TB was displaying the class of each player; with this server no (I use ET version 3.00)

4/ Possible to add 'HD-ET Enabled' flag ?

Server is http://api.trackbase.net/sig_server/

Thanks in advance,

25-11-2014, 13:37
Number one needs to be done by Paul, I'll poke him for that this eve.
I'll check on number two this evening as well.
TSP should work now(classes and more are shown).
4) We don't support that, I'm sorry.


25-11-2014, 14:12
Thanks for this fast response JohNy, and action #3 works like a charm !

29-11-2014, 19:33
Hi, I can not see anymore 'player class' ???

5-12-2014, 09:04
Hello, point #3 still not working :(

9-12-2014, 07:33

11-12-2014, 18:08
Hallo :(

11-12-2014, 22:46
Hi $mart,

we're really sorry you had to wait that long to 1) get a response and 2) get your issue fixed.
I re-enabled TSP for your server.
Try to keep server downtime as less as possible as it's probably the reason for automatically disabling the system from servers again.


12-12-2014, 10:47
OK thanks JoNny. And I didn't know about downtime consequences, I will watch closer the next time.
Have nice frags ET fans !