View Full Version : rate and tsp
20-08-2014, 09:54
what is tsp?
what is rate?
whats the difference?
how are they calculated per map?
what are the rules for determining if a match will be rated or not?
how does each players score per map effect their rate and tsp in that server and globally?
how long before a new name accurately reflects an old players actual rate and tsp?
how does time spent not playing effect global rate and tsp statistics?
a worded explanation would be nice
but i should be able to decode
just the mathematical formulas themselves
31-08-2014, 04:49
maybe its classified...
31-08-2014, 05:33
ur workin with nothin here. try another game..
what is tsp?
what is rate?
whats the difference?
how are they calculated per map?
what are the rules for determining if a match will be rated or not?
how does each players score per map effect their rate and tsp in that server and globally?
how long before a new name accurately reflects an old players actual rate and tsp?
how does time spent not playing effect global rate and tsp statistics?
a worded explanation would be nice
but i should be able to decode
just the mathematical formulas themselves
Rate (Rating) is a number that shows how "good" the player is. At least it should do that. However, players can lock sessions, so maps they have played will not count into their rating. As I might remember correctly, 35 or 36 was quite the highest rating here on Trackbase so far.
TSP (=TrackbaseSkillPoints) is another rating system not only based on the XP the user gains whilst playing a map but also tracks revives, engineer performance and so on. It was developed to show the "real" rating of a player because just standing at the own spawn, throwing ammo packs and getting XP for it (so therefore receiving better PPM - points per minute - and maybe a higher rate), doesn't really make a good player (same for stealing clothes as a covert ops).
So the difference should now be clear. Don't hesitate to reply and ask more if not.
Calculation - XP Points are counted and divided by the playing time (map time). This gives you the PPM (points per minute). Then we simply use this formula
(your rating / average rating) * average ppm and if you're higher than that, your session will result in a higher rating for you, if the same as calculated, you won't be charged anything, if less: your rating will decrease.
Rated or Not? - There are quite a lot. For example if the server is known as a server which allows players to cheat, we can disable rating for this server. Sometimes (for example on sniper maps), we do not allow rating as well (so it's map-based). The map time can be too less (like 2 minutes only). Or there might have been too less real players and / or too many bots playing that map. You also need to make sure to play at least 2 third (2/3) of the map (e.g. 20minutes out of 30 map time) to let it rate. All rules are made independently. If one rule is not fulfilled, your session will not be ranked.
how long before a new name accurately reflects an old players actual rate and tsp?
I hope you mean the transfer thing.
Transfer a rating - A player might think to change his old name and use a new one. However the old one will not be used anymore and is detected by TrackBase as inactiv. Therefore the rating drops after 3 days of inactivity (this means rate inactivity, so you need to rate every 3 days to keep your rating un-influenced of inactivity-drops). However, that might've been a player that just assigned clan tags to his name. Therefore we allow the player to transfer his rating from the old name to the new name. It's usually 100% of transfered rating, but can be 5% less for some reasons. Read more and apply for transfers here (
Guess that's all questions answered. Some more questions might've been answered in a single block.
If there are more questions, please let us know.
cheers and thank you for the detailed reply it was very helpful
i was most curious about how rate builds for a new player without a transfer
but i can infer that information now that i know how rate gets calculated
i have more questions tho... is rating on a new map enabled by default?
if so can you link to the maps blacklist [or if not then the whitelist]?
can you give the formula for determining if bots void a sessions rating?
how can i tell if a server has been blacklisted for allowing cheats?
cheers and thank you for the detailed reply it was very helpful
i was most curious about how rate builds for a new player without a transfer
but i can infer that information now that i know how rate gets calculated
i have more questions tho... is rating on a new map enabled by default?
if so can you link to the maps blacklist [or if not then the whitelist]?
can you give the formula for determining if bots void a sessions rating?
how can i tell if a server has been blacklisted for allowing cheats?
New map's rating is disabled by default
Whitelist: There's no specific list for it. But you can see on each map on the top right if rating is activated or not.
Bots should not play when the number of players is lower than 7. If greater than 7, map should be ranked.
Server blacklisted are marked on the very top of a serverinfo page. You will see a red message showing the reasons for the disabled rating on that server.
And how come if i dont play for a week my rate drops few point and
dont ?
Not that i care but just noticed.
And how come if i dont play for a week my rate drops few point and
dont ?
Not that i care but just noticed.
We had this question so many times already...
What is the IA-Lock**
IA-Lock. If you are a premium member you can enable the inactivity lock. As soon as you enable this, you will DISAPPEAR from rankings and your rating WILL NOT COUNT in your clan average. Your rating will not go down however if you do not play for a week, you can use this if you go on vacation or similiar situations.
You can becoma premium member this way:
Ah its about money than i wont talk about it anymoore ^^ .
Not only. We also thought of the so many users here that do not have the money or possiblity to donate and therefore become a premium member. But still you can. As the page (the link I posted 1 reply back) says, you can support us and thus the community with filling in content like map pictures, etc. With that you will get a benefit of some points per contribution. Then, when you earned enough points, you can activate a premium membership here on Trackbase. That's all money-less billing and really cool for guys that don't want to spend some money or that simply cannot.
cheers... 1 more question... the last 1 i promise...
how quickly does rate decay after the 3 days of inactivity?
thank you again and thank you in advance
Not only. We also thought of the so many users here that do not have the money or possiblity to donate and therefore become a premium member. But still you can. As the page (the link I posted 1 reply back) says, you can support us and thus the community with filling in content like map pictures, etc. With that you will get a benefit of some points per contribution. Then, when you earned enough points, you can activate a premium membership here on Trackbase. That's all money-less billing and really cool for guys that don't want to spend some money or that simply cannot.
Thats the most honest and beautifull system i ever seen on a non profit site most clans ans sites its money or nothing . My respect for this i will donate and dont want advantage :).
Thats the most honest and beautifull system i ever seen on a non profit site most clans ans sites its money or nothing . My respect for this i will donate and dont want advantage :).
Thanks man, glad to hear that:)
cheers... 1 more question... the last 1 i promise...
how quickly does rate decay after the 3 days of inactivity?
thank you again and thank you in advance
That's made out of two variables. First, the higher your rating is, the more will drop. Second, the longer you didn't rate, the higher your rate will drop (same for tsp). It's going down exponentially. Thus the first days should not cost you so much rate. But if you don't rate a week or even a month, it'll cost you a lot.
Probably just a motivation for you to come back and play again:)
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