View Full Version : This forum Dead?

23-04-2014, 10:47
Just wondering and tbh im going to make same post on Splatterladder as they have exactly same problem

If TB and SL aint really used anymore, and with the amounts of posts there are here, then i think its safe to say that its going downhill, and downhill on the fast lane tbh.

I know how I would feel if i was running a site that aint used, would at one point be very tempted to simply Draw the plug.

But imho We need Places like this to interact between Clans and Communities

the lack of commintment to sites like this, is exactly what in the end also will kill the remaining ET World.

So please boys and girls (writing this even tho i realize that most ppl playing ET these days are way past 30) start using it.


24-04-2014, 00:08
imo the site itself is not dead, only the forum is kinda.
The main use of trackbase is to track servers and the rating of players, and many people use those features daily, look which server has more players atm so they know where to connect, look how their rating increased/decreased, how much rating they still need to top 10 and such things.
The forum is mainly used for reporting/solving problems and when there are not many problems, there is not much forum activity.
Not sure how it was in the past tho since im only playing since 2010 :p

24-04-2014, 01:24
Yeah, same as above, this site to me is more of a resource site than a place to discuss things, the forums are more for TB related issues, rating etc.

The strange thing is we have people posting on our forums regarding help and advice, two people have posted over the last week regarding server set help, I even get pm's regarding server issues with ETPub and even the Vietnam mod, why they don't post here I don't know.

We are self sufficient with modders and developers so really have no use for these forums but I know if I ever needed any assistance then the likes of Daredevil or Dragon would be able to supply the information I need so I would probably go straight to them and not post, but that's just me.

I'm sure Paul can give you some technical information on traffic statistics which I'm sure will surprise you so as Metla said, the site itself is not dead, I would rather see nothing posted then clans own general chit chat which they can do on their own forums, if there is nothing constructive to post then why bother?

As the game gets older, the player pool gets less and mod developments drop off then there is bound to be less discussions, I don't think that not posting on here is going to kill the game any faster, its just in its natural state of decline.

24-04-2014, 09:18
Trackbase is still very much used. People are mainly active to see serverlist or theire rating. They rather play, than discuss things.

This game is still far from being dead.

24-04-2014, 09:40

I had noticed that there hadnt been any posts on here for ages except some made by me about W4A.
made the post to get reactions, got 3, was my post made just 2 years ago, ppl would have spammed this thread calling me all possible insults.

thread has 41 views, it reached 3 responses al saying they dont normally use forum, so looks like your correct in what your saying.

the forum here has become obsolete apparently, just an attachment to the stats some like to look at ;)

message recieved an understood

24-04-2014, 13:28
Well, TrackBase has its own specific purposes. People ask questions regarding the game privately or use SD/clan forums for that. Most of the posts here are about TB and its problems which is not suprising tbh.

24-04-2014, 15:15
As everyone already commented above, the forums are used for questions and maybe requests(like enable/disable TSP).
It's more a technical forum and actually it'd kind of good to see when no problems appear.
Trackbase itself is used for game server tracking and player ratings. I'm sure the servermonitor for example is used on a lot of websites outside trackbase.net servers.

25-04-2014, 14:12
Maybe true that this is what its here for

I never look at any ratings, I honestly couldnt care less, so when i open this site i always do a "View new posts" and if none there, then i leave

That makes it all look dead for people like me, but so be it.

Il still put in a random post from time to time about W4A and Qube

hf all

4-05-2014, 17:33
As much as I dislike to admit this is certainly a problem. We'll need a good plan and ideas to give a new boost to the community. Gotta think about this.

5-05-2014, 11:37
I agree with Patriot.

8-05-2014, 18:56
TB is used more than SL
in SL only half top 50 is registered
this forum is just dead :)