View Full Version : Nr|tj -etpr0 trickjump !!

21-03-2014, 02:09
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1.0-9/1622148_583026968453777_1741254201_n.jpg (https://www.facebook.com/nrtj.etpro)

Server is running modded:binary.x86 (18+2 slots)
(special thanks to Jump to History!! ETPro-crew (http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=serverinfo&idx=756555) Jv'45245 & spectan !!)
#small server PAK incl. sounds/models/fun-stuff (http://dl.data.hourb.com/temp.et/server.etpro/etpro/zzz_nrtjsrvpack_b4.pk3)
#fast-redirected download (http://is.gd/HAt9cH)

New mod uploaded, JV style save/load mod with /loadviewangles 1 (http://www.crossfire.nu/news/8424/nrtj-etpro-trickjump)
you can load the angles, Its constantly fixed ..
so you can save/load all the time, it is like ETJUMP now
in console /loadviewangles

We have a new minimod up now, where you callvote config / 10lives 5lives 3lives with no save!
Play all your favourite deadly jump maps (http://dl.data.hourb.com/q.php?dir=temp.et%2Fserver.etpro%2Fetmain%2F) with the pure risk of loosing all your lives
And now when you reconnect you don't get banned...
but you can guess how this will get abused.
Still fun though!


21-03-2014, 14:27
zzz_FartThrower.pk3 503KB Feb 17 2014 02:14:18 PM
zzz_nrtjsrvpack_b2.pk3 14203KB Feb 21 2014 11:58:43 AM
zz_is.gdNzLZYk_b3.pk3 12263KB Mar 13 2014 01:55:39 AM

..really? on a TJ server?

25-03-2014, 04:38
..really? on a TJ server?

Well, shit :p! kragle had a blast and made some nice PAK.. join the party jouu!!

29-03-2014, 00:19
Server pretty much enhanced the last few days,
(special thanks to Jump to History!! ETPro-crew (http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=serverinfo&idx=756555) Jv'45245 & spectan !!)
SaveloadViewangle like etjump, /loadviewangle 1/0
Maplisting via /listmaps, !minfo (displays map-info)
Callvote configs "ingame-menu"
Callvote /saveload 1/0
Download Map-redirect (updated)* (http://is.gd/ItoS6r)
To be continue (http://data.hourb.com/)

30-03-2014, 16:28
Tell me one good reason why we should go 6 years back and start jumping on etpro, when there are two other mods that are made for trickjumping? There is a reason why almost every tj server is etjump/tjmod, and that is because they are simply better in about every way. Knowing kragle, the server is etpro only because he's so "oldschool" and for some retarded reason thinks that outdated stuff is better than new stuff. This "I'm olschool" -act is just purely retarded, you really should drop it already.

1-04-2014, 11:24
Tell me one good reason why we should go 10 years back and play ET, when there are many other games that are made for fps-players? There is a reason why almost everyone plays cod/bf4, and that is because they are simply better in about every way. Knowing the ET community, they play ET only because it's so "oldschool" and for some retarded reason think that outdated stuff is better than new stuff. This "I'm olschool" -act is just purely retarded, you really should drop it already.

On a more serious note: its a very nice server, and especially for people that still play scrims from time to time it might be better to learn jumping on the same mod as they are playing the wars.

1-04-2014, 18:19
can you at least add supply and other etpro maps?

2-04-2014, 07:37
Tell me one good reason why we should go 10 years back and play ET, when there are many other games that are made for fps-players? There is a reason why almost everyone plays cod/bf4, and that is because they are simply better in about every way. Knowing the ET community, they play ET only because it's so "oldschool" and for some retarded reason think that outdated stuff is better than new stuff. This "I'm olschool" -act is just purely retarded, you really should drop it already.

On a more serious note: its a very nice server, and especially for people that still play scrims from time to time it might be better to learn jumping on the same mod as they are playing the wars.
What a statement full of bullshit. So you wanna say everyone who play ET nowdays play it because of that stupid reason? I don't play because its old school, I play because NO BF or COD can beat ET for ME. The gameplay of ET is one of the best I ever have played. Now stfu and go hate somewhere else. COD is only MAINSTREAM, same shit each year. Games today got a lack of GOOD gameplay. Check yourself before you wack yourself kiddo.

2-04-2014, 12:26
LOL did you read the previous post of pupup0x too? then you might have noticed that my post was totally sarcastic (except for the last part that starts with: On a more serious note) :DDD

2-04-2014, 13:44
LOL did you read the previous post of pupup0x too? then you might have noticed that my post was totally sarcastic (except for the last part that starts with: On a more serious note) :DDD
Oh LOL. Didnt notice XD.

3-04-2014, 17:33
Oh LOL. Didnt notice XD.

is this a joke isnt it?:P

5-04-2014, 03:23
New mod uploaded, (JV style save/load mod with /loadviewangles 1 (http://www.crossfire.nu/news/8424/nrtj-etpro-trickjump) )
you can load the angles, Its constantly fixed ..
so you can save/load all the time, it is like ETJUMP now
in console /loadviewangles

We have a new minimod (http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=serverinfo&idx=756606) up now, where you callvote config / 10lives 5lives 3lives with no save!
Play all your favourite deadly jump maps (http://dl.data.hourb.com/q.php?dir=temp.et%2Fserver.etpro%2Fetmain%2F) with the pure risk of loosing all your lives
And now when you reconnect you don't get banned...
but you can guess how this will get abused.
Still fun though!

.//Connect (http://data.hourb.com/etpro-server/)

5-04-2014, 19:31
can you at least add supply and other etpro maps?
pracJumps added, Simply /callvote map pracjumps

http://www.upload.ee/thumb/3985505/2014-04-05-202851-pracjumps.jpg (http://www.upload.ee/image/3985505/2014-04-05-202851-pracjumps.jpg)

8-04-2014, 19:18
Pup. I'm sick of your constant putting everyone down... I don't see the point in you even playing this game when all you do is constantly criticise people on how they should be playing the game or how they should map and everything tbh. Yes, you have some nice points about my maps and I am thankful, but then straight after you slate my name without my seeing.

All this server is, is to experiment on new maps and things I couldn't do when I had the chance. Its not "oldskool" its just I prefer ETPRO... The actual mod has been so well scripted that if you ACTUALLY played it, you would not even know it was ETPRO directly. It has /loadangles and Save/Load on each individual class...

For instance, you can't change gravity on ETJUMP or TJMOD or ETRUN... You can now change it via scripts within game on ETPRO. Each flag changes gravity... You can use fieldops canisters to do 3x combo jumps rather than just nade jumps. The script_mover jumps are smoother, infact. ALOT smoother. ETJUMP is practically unplayable in that department. I'm kinda annoyed that I'm restricted to not being able to do map something out just because the mod disables it...

So please. I'm tired, and I'm fed up of being insulted...

Tell me one good reason why we should go 6 years back and start jumping on etpro, when there are two other mods that are made for trickjumping? There is a reason why almost every tj server is etjump/tjmod, and that is because they are simply better in about every way. Knowing kragle, the server is etpro only because he's so "oldschool" and for some retarded reason thinks that outdated stuff is better than new stuff. This "I'm olschool" -act is just purely retarded, you really should drop it already.

12-05-2014, 17:04
Updated topic/server, since dediserverhosting is not sponsoring anymoaar

.//Connect;password enter