View Full Version : DDos of TWC server?

25-02-2014, 10:20
Since I dont have a TWC forum account here I decided to post it here.

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1280x1024q90/46/3qhq.png (https://imageshack.com/i/1a3qhqp)

I hope they can work it out. Dont know if this gE# guys are really behind this.


If they are really behind this, I think this is a good way to show how this clan is doing his things. GG

25-02-2014, 12:40
I am very happy to see this finally happening. TWC is full of terrible loser admins who chitchat bullshit constantly, always act like kids. The only good guy there is Ocean, all the rest fail.
REALLY HAPPY to see such attacks.

26-02-2014, 12:32
not a DDoS but instead using the fake client bug. Don't remember if the ET 3.00 supports max ip connections but they can use enhanced mod for that.
@gunman, bit gay you think this is funny as admins put in time and money for others pleasure.

but I'm sure the forum is full with mature players that will help TWC from stopping this things.

27-02-2014, 21:41
They need to set up an max connection per ip,
Or anti Q3Fill function.

Easy fixable, google Q3fill counter/fix.

Goodluck TWC
