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View Full Version : Omnibot

10-10-2010, 16:59
Dear TB staff,

Currently you can only get rating when there are 0 bot's ingame.
With the splatterladder tracking system it was possible to get rating when there were still 2 bot's online.

Is it possible to adjust your tracking system?
This is just a question of mine because on my server i've set

And congratulations with this project, it looks more advanced than Splatterladder.
The new features are awesome, success guaranteed!


CEO Belgium Fraggers

10-10-2010, 17:27
Yup true already know that bug , i guess paul forgot to take a look on my stuff :D
i'll report it !

10-10-2010, 17:31
Currently sessions are rated up to 10% bots. (So of 10 players 1 bot, which makes 20 players 2 bots).
I will take a look into this ;)