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5-01-2011, 11:58
I noticed no one had done this yet so thought i would :D

How many have played this mod and how do you like it??

I just played a few maps in the Begginers NAM server and i gotta say for a die hard ET/Jaymod only player i fkin loved it, very nice change its almost a new game althought its all the same old maps jst tweaked to look a little different, but a nice mod non the less, better than that heap oh crap Nitmod -_- :alien:

5-01-2011, 15:04
I agree with your saying that it looks very nice :)

5-01-2011, 15:17
I like new weapon animations! I found 1 bug but that comes from Etpub i think.

The only think I didn't like is that HP number which decreases.. It was kind of distracting but it also looks nice at the same time :)

Pistol animation is awesome + sniper rifle meter thing :)

I pretty much love the new weapons :)

5-01-2011, 15:53
The HP number, I think that you can change that (turn it off).

esc-> ETNam-> search :p

5-01-2011, 16:30
gonna test it tomorow :) i'll report my feelings .

5-01-2011, 17:23
better than that heap oh crap Nitmod -_- :alien:
N!tmod is nice! Just wait for 2.1 release, but the mod is nice. Just some servers' admins don't know how to configure it ;)

5-01-2011, 17:40

Yes NI!MOT is Very Nice I never had problems with it there is no point saying its crap because the developer put in alot effect and hard work into as same as Slient mod but this ETNAM mod is very nice runs smooth and i like it for me if we have a server full of players on it it would be fun :).

Note:Nitmod is a great mod aswell.


5-01-2011, 19:03
Maybe someone could suggest a better nitmod server for me then plz :D I played on one only and hated it hence my comment lol

7-01-2011, 02:28

Enjoy xD : http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=serverinfo&idx=417

7-01-2011, 02:40

There is a gd setted up nitmod server. :D

1-03-2011, 19:08
Just stupid question if anyone knows if this require server supporting that mod or any etpub server can be converted to it. Maybe I'm missing something but wasn't successful of doing it and need some info from somebody that knows more about setting it. Currently running etpub server on Gameservers.

2-03-2011, 19:00
I haven't set up nam mod yet but I assume set up would be fairly similar to Etpub since mod is/was based on Etpub.

If you can tell us what issues you are having, we can try to help and get you going.

3-03-2011, 06:52
I haven't set up nam mod yet

You should try it! :D

14-03-2011, 19:46
Thanks for all your good words guys


14-03-2011, 20:17
When next version of ETNam?

15-03-2011, 09:58
We just upgraded the binaries from v0.0.1 to v0.1.1, so dunno when v0.1.2 will come. Still things to fix and still several features in our minds. Anyways right now we are taking a rest. Also, after/if Xreal engine or similar ET upgraded version is released, we will decide our future path.


15-03-2011, 17:09
... Anyways right now we are taking a rest. Also, after/if Xreal engine or similar ET upgraded version is released, we will decide our future path.


Although things are progressing in a positive way for ET: XReal, it's still a long way to go before a release I think.
Hope you guys aren't waiting for that release until a next ETNam update :)

But take your well deserved rest, we're enjoying the mod as it is now with loads of pleasure ... like the russian singing panties

15-03-2011, 19:58
the ETXreal project they stopped i think, the xreal site is down since a time, and development since last year no updates.

15-03-2011, 20:47
Oh, the ET:Xreal project is very much alive and kicking :)

ET Xreal thread @ SD forums:

Features request at SD:

Bug Report at SD:

15-03-2011, 21:20
nam mod looks good.. the strange hitboxes thats default sucks so not playing it bcause of that..

15-03-2011, 22:56
I believe you can change the hitboxes into 'default ET'
It's written somewhere in the Nam user manual that comes with the site:


16-03-2011, 06:58
True, ETNam does not use default ET hitboxes by... default. But server admin can apply them via server.cfg.

SOURCE: "ETNAM DOCUMENTATION" (http://www.etnam.org/public/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=58)

g_hitboxes [integer]
g_hitboxes “31”
This is a bitflag cvar that currently supports the following flags:
1 Lower the standing player's body hitbox to the shoulders.
2 Lower the crouching player's body hitbox to the shoulders.
4 Lower the wounded player's body hitbox to a reasonable height.
8 Lower the prone player's body hitbox to a reasonable height.
16 Lower the playdead player's body hitbox to a reasonable height.
Set it to “0” to use the original hitboxes from ET.
See Also
> g_realHead

g_realHead [0|1]
g_realHead "1"
Head hit-box position.
Available options are:
0 Original ET head hit-box position.
1 Server tracks the animations, the head hit-box will follow and match the player model exactly.
Set this to “0” to disable it.
See Also
> g_hitboxes


16-03-2011, 08:52
Oh, the ET:Xreal project is very much alive and kicking :)

ET Xreal thread @ SD forums:

Features request at SD:

Bug Report at SD:

oh, thx for info, i tought they do nothing anymore :)

16-03-2011, 16:53
i know u can change but as its default from installation most dont change.. but anyone with "normal" hitbox server can pm me so i can pwn :)

18-04-2011, 12:26
we tested Nitmod few weeks ago but their mod is still a bit buggy and yes it is very smoother
we posted on the site but seem the nitmod team is not very active
hope they will fix the few bugs we found

18-04-2011, 12:56
This topic is for the ETnam mod, not nitmod :)