View Full Version : Ayuda por favor

And Colombia
13-11-2013, 23:28
Amigos les pido ayuda hoy estaba jugando COD 4 en su servidor y se callo la conexión y ahora trato de entrar y solo me aparece la ip soy jugar viejo y al único servidor que ingreso es al de ustedes espero me puedan ayudar
Pido disculpas pero no supe donde mas publicar esto
mi nick es AND COLOMBIA muchos me conocen.

14-11-2013, 00:57
The usual language is English on the forums but welcome, google does not translate your post well for me to understand your comment or issue.

And Colombia
15-11-2013, 14:01
I apologize, it will not let me enter the server COD4 Team Deathmatch, I've been playing a long time on your server is the only day I go and sack me and I think banning me, but I'm not cheat I would like to help me.
My English is very bad sorry

15-11-2013, 16:17
IP address of server?

Which clan? are they an ET clan that runs a cod4 server as well? if not then you are in the wrong place.

15-11-2013, 18:29
This is the redirection he gets when clicking on forum at the cod4 TB page. However I do think he wont get much help here

5-12-2013, 23:20
Hi, im Spanish i understant him!

Hola quiero decir que de entiento! Soy espanyol igualmente! :-)

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