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View Full Version : Crouching issue?

11-10-2012, 01:29
So I've always had my crouch as a toggle. I quit playing ET long ago and started again today and i found sometimes crouch was glitching out and not working. Turns out, it doesn't work only when I'm sprinting and moving right. Any other direction, or not when sprinting it works fine. This is really messing me up a lot and I don't remember it ever happening. Has this ever happened for anyone? Any ideas how to fix?

11-10-2012, 21:18
Maybe its just a situation with too many keyboard commands. New keyboard or you never noticed it before because of your toggle?

There is a simple keyboard test I found a while ago:
press both shift keys and write the standard sentence: THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG

No spaces and C is missing. Thats why I canīt do trickjumping. >.<

11-10-2012, 21:54
Is what I get...

I guess its just my keyboard on my laptop then. Its just really strange that it only happens in one direction. Really messes me up bad.