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View Full Version : .BoB|Band of Brothers - Recruiting

26-09-2012, 14:07
I would just like to announce that there is a new clan up and running which are now looking for new members.

So a little info about us and where we came from.
Band of brothers was founded by myself and a few former members of FBI and VNM/UGC clan.
Since starting the clan about a month ago we have been waiting to get a server and now we have one, in though over the last couple of days we've had some server issues which are all now fixed.
We are now looking for new members or admins, preferably those who are not already in a clan and would like to become part of one.

Hopefully if all goes well with this server then we may get another server later on in the year.

If you would like to join BoB then please visit our forum and post an application.
Anyway, our forum is www.bob-et.tk
Our server ip is
All players are welcome :)

Some server rules:

// Server rules
Abuse of any kind will not be accepted
Do not ask to be promoted to any higher level
The use of bots or hacks is prohibited
Spawn killing is allowed but with light weapons only
Camping "Spawn camping" around any spawn exits or areas is not allowed
Wall jumping is allowed as long as it's not for the objective(s)
Trick planting is not allowed
Speak English only in main chat or use PM for any other language
Never accuse anyone of cheating unless you have 100% solid evidence
Name or tag stealing will not be accepted
Advertising for any other clan or server will not be accepted

.BoB|Founding Father
Xfire - Heddlu

26-09-2012, 14:36
With a game of this age and dwindling players its going to be difficult to expand but stick with it! nice clean website, easy on the eyes to read, good luck with the server.

26-09-2012, 14:52
It's not a new clan , maybe on TB is it but on SL if i remember right there was a BoB clan :)
Good luck with your clan !

28-09-2012, 11:19
It's not a new clan , maybe on TB is it but on SL if i remember right there was a BoB clan :)
True remember that clan also, but same as God for example there were more then 4different God clans:P
Anyway Heddlu bro gl with your server!:D

5-10-2012, 15:11
It's not a new clan , maybe on TB is it but on SL if i remember right there was a BoB clan :)
Good luck with your clan !

Probably, I may not have seen or remember it.
However there have been some recent updates...

Our forum is now IPB 3.3.4 and we now have 2 servers, one Jaymod which is a 16 slot and that will be our recruiting server. We also have a Nitmod server which is a 24 slot where we'll have downloadable maps...The Jaymod server will be No download.

Here are the server IP's:

Jaymod -
Nitmod -

Again, if you would like to join then visit www.bob-et.tk :)

11-10-2012, 16:40
Just another update.

Our Nitmod server was recently having some problems. As of today that server is now a Jaymod server, same principle as before in regards to the map downloads.
Current maps are some default mixed with other maps which were installed with the server, in need of some suggestions for some good maps!

Again if anyone wants to join, then post an application @ www.bob-et.tk / http://www.bob-clan.ycn-hosting.com/index.php?/forum/5-want-to-join-bobclan/

19-10-2012, 18:15
Just an update.

There has been a few changes to our servers:

1) Red server has been renamed to Europe
2) Recruiting server has been renamed to No Download

Both servers now have blue tags.

4-11-2012, 19:19
Since my last post there has been a load of changes with both servers.

1) Our 24 slot Jaymod server has now been changed back to Nitmod
2) Our 16 slot Jaymod server has now been changed to NoQuarter

Both servers have same IP

24 Slot >
16 Slot >

NoQuarter version is 1.2.7, have tried it with 1.2.9 but for some reason the server kept shutting down. All is working now though :)

Again if you would like to join then post an application at www.bob-et.tk :)

4-11-2012, 19:46
Change the nq one to silent mod \o/ :D
silentmod & n!tmod ftw

10-11-2012, 22:15
At first that's what I did but then we had a bit of a problem with it and since there was a suggestion made for NQ I installed NQ instead.
But now, I'm finding that a bit of a waste as there are a few bugs and what not with it and not to mention the hitboxes aren't that good. So I may change it over to Silent again, I may not it all depends.
I have tried getting NQ 1.2.9 to work on the server but the server just shut down straight after start up so there is a problem there and Shitstorm are no help what so ever, I made a support topic there earlier and yet I still have no reply.

But I must ask, how good is the admin system with Silent? I know it uses the shrubbot system which is something I really dislike tbh but unlike NQ would I be able to use short term commands or full term? And by this meaning would I say be able to do !li instead of !listplayers?

30-11-2012, 08:32
Just want to announce the recent updates and changes in regards to BOB clan.

I have changed the clans name from Bob to SOA which is Sons of Anarchy
Our clan forum has also been updated so now we have a new link - www.soa-et.tk / www.sonsofanarchy.ycn-hosting.com
We now only have one server which is our 24 slot

The reason for the name change is because there were a few problems within the clan and so we felt like a change or a fresh start was needed.
Our old 16 slot server is still currently running but has now been called "Dead server" because it will no longer be active from next Tuesday.

30-11-2012, 21:16
Good luck with your "new clan" mate!

2-12-2012, 16:55
It isn't new but thanks anyway :)