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View Full Version : UseMF Recruiting.

17-06-2012, 21:33
UseMe (Unbelievably Superior Extraordinary Masters of Entertainment) is a trickjump clan that roots back to 2004 with finnish trickjumpers. Clan members have hung out with each other for many years before finally creating the clan itself in 2008.Ever since we've made several trickjump maps and movies together and played together in many etpro scrim clans that have died over time.

Now we feel like it's time to expand and recruit some new blood, so we created a fragging squad named UseMF (Unbelievably Superior Extraordinary Masters of Fragging).You need to be somewhat skilled fragger who preferably likes jaymod, etpro scrims, and little bit trickjumping. We appreciate brains over aim, so you don't need to super aimer. And you need to be over 18 years old from EU

Contact in xfire: pupup0x, kaukovainio

17-06-2012, 23:40
The clan name is certainly a mouth full, good luck with the recruitment, we have some of your maps on our jump server, well done.