View Full Version : New number one

26-05-2012, 12:49
I see the Dra|g|on dude is no longer number 1. I actually don't see him anywhere in the list. What happened? Didn't this happen to ferkel also? I don't understand...

26-05-2012, 13:14
I see the Dra|g|on dude is no longer number 1. I actually don't see him anywhere in the list. What happened? Didn't this happen to ferkel also? I don't understand...

maybe they changed there name + clan also ?

26-05-2012, 13:58
He is here: http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=playerinfo&idx=2736737

He didn't rate for a week :) If you don't rate for a week you will be 'out of ranking'.