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View Full Version : ETPro Connection trouble

5-02-2012, 21:33
I played on a etpro server maybe like 8 months ago, after making sure I had everything, and a couple of admin's helping me get connected, I was able to. Played on the server without any problems. Well that was then. I tried connecting to a different etpro server, and all the trouble started again. At first I was missing files the server needed. I was redirected to their download page. I downloaded everything, and went back to connect. Now I get

"incorrect ET.exe version
For Empty-CD-Key Error and / or missing punkbuster files look on http://ETKEY.ORG"

I have an etkey, and I downloaded the PB files this site suggested I download, and I currently have 2.60b.

What am I missing? I have tried with different etpro servers and can't connect. I can't even connect to the pro server I had admins help me connect to.:crying:

5-02-2012, 21:54

Incorrect et version means you do not have 2.60b fully installed, did you install the 2.60 patch first and then the 2.60b executable's?

5-02-2012, 22:02
Yes 2.60 is what I had. Last year when the clan I was in, started a pro server, I downloaded 2.60b. How do I make sure it is totally installed?

5-02-2012, 22:11
Simple thing is to delete the ET and ETDED executable's from your et installation and download and run the 2.60 patch (windows) http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefront.com/file/ET_Patch_Windows;39483 and then install the 2.60b exec's http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefront.com/file/Wolfenstein_Enemy_Territory_260b_Patch_win32;62012 there are a few patch selector tools around if you prefer but I myself simply run the 2.60b installation only.

5-02-2012, 23:09
Thanks Muppet. I will try that once the Super Bowl is over. It's in my home town so got to at least watch it, even though I don't like either team.

20-02-2012, 20:24
Thank you mrmuppet, I did as you suggested and after doing 3 times it finally worked.