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View Full Version : Empty Serverlist Fix

22-01-2012, 11:00
Dear Enemy Territory players,

As you all could have noticed the serverlist in Enemy Territory no longer works. In the meantime, a lot of people have been working on fixes and workarounds. More information can be found on http://etmaster.net/ and on THIS splash damage topic. (http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php/31768-Unofficial-Server-List-Fix)

If you are a server admin, you should add the following to your cfg and type the following once in rcon:

set sv_master5 "master0.etmaster.net"

For players:
There are multiple options to view the serverlist again (you can also find this on http://etmaster.net

Option 1: Download and install Rudi's hosts service (http://etmaster.net/files/etms_proxy_installer.msi), this patch will run as service and send the masterlist through from etmaster.net as long as ID's masterserver is down, if ID's master will be back up, it'll load from there. This tool does not require you to change any files. This option is recommended!

Option 2: Modify your hosts file and add this to the bottom USE ONLY IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO USE THE NEW EXE FILES, YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO IT BOTH etmaster.idsoftware.com

Option 3: Download the new ET.exe files 2.55 is HERE (http://etmaster.net/files/ET255.zip) and 2.60b is HERE (http://etmaster.net/files/ET260.zip)

22-01-2012, 13:37
Great thing.
Best to see all the servers again ;)

22-01-2012, 14:54
id should redirect it's masterlist to Paul's etmaster asap.
Little, more unknown and new servers are underpopulated and threaten to disappear.

22-01-2012, 16:32
Glad to see it worked well done Paul.

to others , dont be afraid to share those infos on your clanpage / forum / or frirends sites .
Many still use that global list to find a server.
Let's help each others.

More information can be found on http://etmaster.net/ and on THIS splash damage topic. (http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php/31768-Unofficial-Server-List-Fix) and on trackabse here (http://forum.trackbase.net/threads/1090-Empty-Serverlist-Fi)

22-01-2012, 17:13
guys Ive got problem while installing Rudi's host service, gettin this messages:


22-01-2012, 17:28
guys Ive got problem while installing Rudi's host service, gettin this messages:


post that here http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php/31768-Unofficial-Server-List-Fix/page8
or directly to developer http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/member.php/8393-Rudi

22-01-2012, 17:33
OR just go and use the exe's and replace them by your own

22-01-2012, 17:33
Btw. just one thing which isn't able anymore: playing with TZAC on etpro servers ;)

22-01-2012, 17:37
actually, if u will use rudis solution, or change hosts by ur self, then u can play etpro with tzac

22-01-2012, 17:54
guys Ive got problem while installing Rudi's host service, gettin this messages:
If the service can't start it's likely that you're either 1; Not an administrator at your machine or 2; Don't have .NET 3.0. Can you confirm that you are both of those?!

OR just go and use the exe's and replace them by your own

Btw. just one thing which isn't able anymore: playing with TZAC on etpro servers ;)
That's the whole point of my service....

22-01-2012, 18:56
But if it's not working? then its probably the best to do it manually but you gave him a solution :)

22-01-2012, 19:01
I got the same error bcs i tried your program now,
it's because host file is being blocked by anti-virus program probably - that's it @ me :p

22-01-2012, 19:25
lol, seems someone needs a new AV :)

23-01-2012, 06:31
If the service can't start it's likely that you're either 1; Not an administrator at your machine or 2; Don't have .NET 3.0. Can you confirm that you are both of those?!

That's the whole point of my service....

ok, now i was tryin to install Net 3.0, but during installation it says you must turn on/off windows features on your control panel...

23-01-2012, 06:38
It seems that Paul's master server isn't that reliable at all, so I'm adding a fallback into the Proxy Service that will show at least some servers regardless of having a connection. The data won't be live but at least you'll be able to connect to something.

Will post an update on my blog (http://rudiv.se/blog/) and Twitter (http://twitter.com/rudi_visser) when it's complete, should be before the end of the day.

EDIT: @Dookie, if you have an Anti-Virus enabled turn it off before installation, then turn it back on. This really shouldn't be required, but it *does* edit your hosts file internally to point ET to this service.

23-01-2012, 15:16
everything is fixed now, thx Rudiboy :D

24-01-2012, 19:36
Hello nice to see some fix for the server problem, however after replacing the linux et.x86 with the ones from here
i lose all sound so i made 2 scripts to start enemy territory 1 uses the original 2.60b et.x86, and 1 that uses this modded 2.60b

only get sound from original version, have you altered anything else in the code?


24-01-2012, 21:10
i tried to edit it with Bless editor however get this errors:

d: 4: can't cd to /media/spel/enemy-territory
/usr/games/tce: 14: elsemaster0.etmaster.net: not found
Unsupported architecture or dpkg --print-architecture doesn't work.
Segmentation fault

erhm think i did something wrong here ;)

still i need help replacing or modding the original ET-260B.zip (ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/et/ET-2.60b.zip) from idsoftware so i still have sound.

So any help is apriciated

Martin "Ztealmax"

24-01-2012, 21:16
i think i saw some fix for ur problem here in comments http://www.desura.com/games/wolfenstein-enemy-territory try to search there, someone posted links to fix or something like that, not sure

24-01-2012, 23:19
well tried all does problems no luck, sound problem is only with this "fixed exe of et.x86 v2.60b"

So best advice i would like is how can i modify my version i downloaded from idsoftware (Where sound works) to change
idsoftware.com to master0.etmaster.net, hex editor, bin editor something?

24-01-2012, 23:22
Yes you can do that, use a binary editor and literally change the string 'etmaster.idsoftware.com' to 'master0.etmaster.net'.

Sound should still work, though. Makes no sense why it wouldn't, all Paul did was change the string also..

25-01-2012, 04:51
Yes you can do that, use a binary editor and literally change the string 'etmaster.idsoftware.com' to 'master0.etmaster.net'.

Sound should still work, though. Makes no sense why it wouldn't, all Paul did was change the string also..

great however get this problem when changing that:

Segmentation fault

25-01-2012, 09:14
great however get this problem when changing that:

Segmentation fault

Make sure it's the same length as the original so change it to masterser0.etmaster.net and it should work.

25-01-2012, 10:03
Make sure it's the same length as the original so change it to masterser0.etmaster.net and it should work.

Thanx will try it when i get home from work :D


25-01-2012, 16:57
Make sure it's the same length as the original so change it to masterser0.etmaster.net and it should work.

hmm this is weird i did modify it to masterser0.etmaster.net, and after i modded the file....NO SOUND..what the? ...but i can see servers lol

25-01-2012, 17:25
i didn't read the posts before but i think you should type in your config:

set sv_master5 "master0.etmaster.net"
but if you talk about another fail then correct me pls :p

25-01-2012, 17:35
Thanx but no, im talking about modded file i have no sound when i mod the bin et.x86 and change master server.
server list works but sound fails after i modded the file... its weird it shouldnt do that

26-01-2012, 08:12
Thanx but no, im talking about modded file i have no sound when i mod the bin et.x86 and change master server.
server list works but sound fails after i modded the file... its weird it shouldnt do that

It's not weird. The issue is that et-sdl-sound (I will assume you're using this..) only supports certain checksums of the game binaries.

You should simply edit /etc/hosts and point etmaster.idsoftware.com to Paul's IP, as listed on the third method at etmaster.net (http://www.etmaster.net/).

26-01-2012, 09:28
It's not weird. The issue is that et-sdl-sound (I will assume you're using this..) only supports certain checksums of the game binaries.

You should simply edit /etc/hosts and point etmaster.idsoftware.com to Paul's IP, as listed on the third method at etmaster.net (http://www.etmaster.net/).

Ahh yea ive checked up on that to
this is what i will do to , ive checked to source code

case 0x6ab49f82:
version = "ET 2.60b";
writeJump((void *) 0x08188250, (void *) SNDDMA_Init); writeJump((void *) 0x08188840, (void *) SNDDMA_GetDMAPos); writeJump((void *) 0x081888d0, (void *) SNDDMA_Shutdown); writeJump((void *) 0x081888f0, (void *) SNDDMA_BeginPainting); writeJump((void *) 0x081888e0, (void *) SNDDMA_Submit); _Cvar_Get = (cvar_t* (*) (const char *, const char *, int)) 0x08073bb0; dma = (dma_t *) 0x0926d3a4; break;

Where 0x6ab49f82 is the original 2.60b
and 0xC2B1350C is the modded 2.60b
Think with abit tinkering i can compile it to include the modded file, if someone else but me want the recompiled sound fix let me know

26-01-2012, 17:30
I need a little help here :)

I downloaded to 2 zipfiles and replaced both in my enemy territory map
But when I launch ET, i still see an empty serverlist.
Ah yes, I use patchselector to play... Dunno if you need that information :)

26-01-2012, 18:47

Install and start it as Administrator and patch to an etmaster.net.

27-01-2012, 16:21
I need a little help here :)

I downloaded to 2 zipfiles and replaced both in my enemy territory map
But when I launch ET, i still see an empty serverlist.
Ah yes, I use patchselector to play... Dunno if you need that information :)
If you install my Proxy Service it will work with the patch selector.

28-01-2012, 00:15
i send some days ago an email and got their answer but dont sure what they mean really lol

From: Bethesda Support FR
Date: 01/27/12 17:32:51
To: xxxxxx
Subject: Enemy Territory


The development team have said they are looking to help the community create their own server.

Here is the information on this:

Best Regards,
Julie, Bethesda Support Technique.

28-01-2012, 14:20
Great news macbeth, let me know when and if a new binary is distrubated so i can compile with the correct crc32 for et-sound.so (to fix sound) for now ive testing to compiled it to include 2.60b modded version and original version.

28-01-2012, 23:31
The development team is not helping the community, and we have already made a fix. That post is useless.

@ztealmax - You do not need it to be recompiled nor to have the same CRC, just modify what et-sdl/et-sound.so is expecting, this really isn't difficult, especially for a *nix user, I would hope..

29-01-2012, 10:45
hmm wouldn't punkbuster complain if et.x86 has a different crc? Or it's such a fail that it doesn't even check such things

29-01-2012, 17:25
As far as iknow the et-sdl-sound.so check crc32 on bin file and if it is correct
it fixes the sound, and if not it doesnt, according to the maker of et-sdl-sound.so

No way around that except recompiling and adding crc32 of modded file.

case 0x6ab49f82:
version = "ET 2.60b"; // Original 2.60b Patch
writeJump((void *) 0x08188250, (void *) SNDDMA_Init);
writeJump((void *) 0x08188840, (void *) SNDDMA_GetDMAPos); writeJump((void *) 0x081888d0, (void *) SNDDMA_Shutdown); writeJump((void *) 0x081888f0, (void *) SNDDMA_BeginPainting); writeJump((void *) 0x081888e0, (void *) SNDDMA_Submit); _Cvar_Get = (cvar_t* (*) (const char *, const char *, int)) 0x08073bb0;
dma = (dma_t *) 0x0926d3a4; break;

30-01-2012, 10:32
No way around that except recompiling and adding crc32 of modded file.
The file can be very easily bytepatched, a switch statement translates down to a JMP table, so you would find the case for '0x6ab49f82' and replace that CRC.

I will look into this when I get time and should be able to provide a .sh you can run to patch this.

hmm wouldn't punkbuster complain if et.x86 has a different crc? Or it's such a fail that it doesn't even check such things

PB is dead, it doesn't kick for anything now.

30-01-2012, 11:16
PB is dead, it doesn't kick for anything now.
well at this point I would just recompile et with sound support taken from xreal, and change the #define with the server name and stop using et-sdl-sound if I have to play in servers without pb, but I prefer to use the standard et and change /etc/hosts then

30-01-2012, 11:50
Just a reminder, PB may be dead but there still are checks being performed by Game Violations and all.
I was trying to figure out how XFire did their nice overlay and seems like they didn't like that :)

30-01-2012, 12:11
Just a reminder, PB may be dead but there still are checks being performed by Game Violations and all.
I was trying to figure out how XFire did their nice overlay and seems like they didn't like that :)
indeed, that's why I said I prefer to use the original et, not to mention with tzac

actually some things like rinput or et-sdl-sound are technically 'hacks', xfire too, only that they are 'known'
Anything that messes with the game memory can be regarded as 'hack' in theory

30-01-2012, 15:30
Just a reminder, PB may be dead but there still are checks being performed by Game Violations and all.
I was trying to figure out how XFire did their nice overlay and seems like they didn't like that :)
No, PB is not kicking for anything, at all. Try it yourself.

XFire is whitelisted as an application for using OpenGL redirection to draw their interface.

30-01-2012, 16:48
Indeed XFire is whitelisted, but glintercept isn't and you can't create your own overlay without risking problems.

31-01-2012, 14:13
Indeed XFire is whitelisted, but glintercept isn't and you can't create your own overlay without risking problems.
Well, nowadays you can, since PB no longer kicks for anything at all.

Other anti-cheats you would have to contact to get a legitimate application whitelisted in their detection lists.

2-02-2012, 11:43
The file can be very easily bytepatched, a switch statement translates down to a JMP table, so you would find the case for '0x6ab49f82' and replace that CRC.

I will look into this when I get time and should be able to provide a .sh you can run to patch this.

Ohh man if you would fix that for me i would love you forever since me trying to compile this old et-sdl-sound.so is a epic fail ;)

Eager waiting for the .sh (When i finally have sound i can do what im good at, making maps) :D

Sincerally soundless

a side note, what other anticheat software are there for ET?

2-02-2012, 12:33
Tzac but thats only for ETPro afaik
and apparently that project seems to be shutdown also atleast after what the dev has said

2-02-2012, 16:33
Ohh man if you would fix that for me i would love you forever since me trying to compile this old et-sdl-sound.so is a epic fail ;)

you could do it yourself:
open it (edit: I mean et-sdl-sound.so) with a hex editor, then search for 82 9F B4 6A (it's 6ab49f82 if you read the bytes from last to first) and replace it with the new crc (the byte order must be changed in the same fashion!)

The assembly would change from cmp eax, 6ab49f82 to the new value. Done.

Didn't test it because I don't have any modified et, but it should work. :P