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View Full Version : Trackbase Minimizer

1-01-2012, 16:30
Dear raters,

As new year present Robin has made you an awesome program!
With the Trackbase Minimizer you can easily check our rating and unlock/lock your name while INGAME. You can also minimize the game so you can browse TB in the warmup time :)

You can download the installer here (http://filebase.trackbase.net/tools/TrackbaseMinimizer_Installer.msi)or download the zip file and manually put it somewhere HERE (http://filebase.trackbase.net/tools/TrackbaseMinimizer_Installation.zip).
You can fetch your settings for the specific player at the name reservation page, then press the connect icon in the "TB-App" column.
If you plan to launch ET through this app, please run as administrator or your ET profile will not appear.

Minimizing the game will work without the settings, the lock/unlocking will obviously won't work without the settings :)

Some hints from Robin:

Edit shortcuts : use double click to edit or enter -> to accept click somewhere else or press enter.
You can use backspace to remove the last chosen key.
Arrow keys to reset the field back to default.
Those are also the keys you cannot use in your shortcuts !
If you cancel or close everything gets reset.
Edit Settings: When you fill in your Enemy Territory folder and you chose to add our binds to a config file, we will suggest to create an autoconfig.
This is not required, you can chose your own config if you don't want it to bind by default on every mod.
Binding is not required ! It just shows you some text :)
Edit Settings: The enemy territory parameters should be given with spaces between the words as such : +Param value +Param2 value2.


The Trackbase Team

2-01-2012, 00:47
A new feature :
- The binded keys for the messages are fixed upon / (KP_SLASH) and * of the keypad.
If you perform your shortcut then those messages will be triggered.

Those that already installed an older version:
-> Uninstall if you used the installer and reinstall.
-> Unzip the zip and overwrite otherwise (not only the exe has changed)

2-01-2012, 09:07
Great idea Trackbase =)

Seems cool while we get data from MySQL,you don't afraid of any security risks?
Since I see you use a lot .dll,if someone badass comes and starts to inject them and figures out memory leaks,then gets the sql admins/user/host name and -.-

2-01-2012, 10:35
Great idea Trackbase =)

Seems cool while we get data from MySQL,you don't afraid of any security risks?
Since I see you use a lot .dll,if someone badass comes and starts to inject them and figures out memory leaks,then gets the sql admins/user/host name and -.-

Should be safe, we aren't connecting to the db directly, all is through a specially made API, there are no passwords stored on the clientside :)

2-01-2012, 20:08
saw how it worked, seems really nice!

2-01-2012, 20:28
Works great :) thank you .

4-01-2012, 01:20
mac version in the future ?? :D

4-01-2012, 10:24
well that is a good question, at the moment I only support Windows because I make some specific calls to Windows functions.
I could search for their counter parts in Mac and Linux but I can't guarantee anything.

4-01-2012, 14:43
great .. thanks a lot !

this minimizer seems to rocks.. i will try :D

12-01-2012, 23:45
I have problems with it.
Everything seems to work.
But when I minimize, I just get a black screen.
When in that black-screen I've noticed that I CAN (un)lock my name.
But pretty stupid, if I can't see it. Or do anything else that needs a screen...

Any Idea's?

btw: I play et from an extern Harddisc. This caused me some troubles too in the past with minimizors, until I changed a code of one.
But now I'm having the same prob, only I can't figure out how to solve it this time...

13-01-2012, 10:39
Please use a password instead of textbox, this makes the password secure, and not readable to the user...
I know, this makes you get a char[] instead of a string, but this is much more secure, i do hope you don't send the password trough in plain text? Ifso, this would be very bad...
Also, you could store the password as a SHA-1 String or something (possible to convert char[] to SHA-1, there are functions for it), and this SHA-1 should be send to server then!

13-01-2012, 11:14
Trust us there is no need for concern about the passwords that we use for the Minimizer as they are more then safe enough and besides you should only have your own code and not share it with others...
And as such we don't see the necessity to place this code word within a password box since it is not something you choose for yourself, it's something we give you.

Now Hellfig : what OS are you using?
Also try to use the minimizing key sequence again after you minimized and tell me how that went :)

Edit: done some research and seems like ATI is a problem sometimes, do you have an ATI card?

13-01-2012, 11:15
Please use a password instead of textbox, this makes the password secure, and not readable to the user...
I know, this makes you get a char[] instead of a string, but this is much more secure, i do hope you don't send the password trough in plain text? Ifso, this would be very bad...
Also, you could store the password as a SHA-1 String or something (possible to convert char[] to SHA-1, there are functions for it), and this SHA-1 should be send to server then!

The password is also in 'plaintext' on the site, so in my eyes it wouldn't make a difference if you would hide it or not in the app. Furthermore, you don't need to worry about your password as this 'password' string does not contain your forum password. The "password" contains a mix of secret elements, and are encrypted with a password no one will guess. In summary: there is no security risk :)

13-01-2012, 11:30
works real nice.. great job

13-01-2012, 13:55
@ Giriel:

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5730
Windows 7

13-01-2012, 14:48
Do you have the newest drivers installed of your graphics card?
I have searched around and seen that ATI is being a problem...
If you enlighten me with the method you used to fix it I will check if I can implement it :)

Otherwise I fear I cannot resolve your issue :(

14-01-2012, 00:27
If you minimize this minimizor, is it minimized to an Icon, or to the taskbar?
Also does the minimizor automatically changes resolution, when minimized?

14-01-2012, 10:26
It minimizes to the system tray (the small icons) .
And it does nothing with the resolution, just minimizes.

15-01-2012, 14:32
It's a pity the application doesn't change resolution while minimizing :(, it would be a great feature for me since my desktop resolution is 1440x900 and game's one is 1152x854. Any possibility to add this?

15-01-2012, 15:01
Sure I haven't yet thought about that, I will add it too my list :)
All suggestions are welcome !!

17-01-2012, 17:55
It's a pity the application doesn't change resolution while minimizing :(, it would be a great feature for me since my desktop resolution is 1440x900 and game's one is 1152x854. Any possibility to add this?

Is it because your ET does not support your desktop resolution ? Please enlighten me. Very interesting point i did not think about so far. To tell you why i ask: i made an et integrated minimizer once, and it works perfectly. However, about this i did not think. Very good point.

AAAAAALSO: could someone enlighten me about the mysterious passwords you need for a simple tool like a minimizer ? Or is it about site passwords. AFAIK on Pauls old site there was something similar, and it reminds me very much. Dutchmeat discovered a trojan horse on Pauls old site, see here => http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php/18467-NEW!-Rcon-Online?p=283516&viewfull=1#post283516 in connection with passwords. Dutchmeat is not your everyday random internet person, dutchmeat is trustworthy (coder, many years experience with idtech3 engine, working on etlive). Paul also did not respond.

Am i accusing here ? No! Since Paul did not respond to this issue (i am sure he saw the thread and the post of dutchmeat), i think it seems very strange to me here. So whats up with the pws, and i am sure you should make a post clearing everything up Paul. I am sure it has nothing to do with you. And i am also sure it has nothing to do with any passwords here.

17-01-2012, 19:01
I seem to remember that Paul replied to that issue, but on another thread/topic. But either ways, it's indeed best that Paul clears this up

17-01-2012, 19:09
The passwords are required because we don't want everyone to be capable of unlocking / locking a players name.
Desktop resolution will be added in the next update, since ET changes your screen resolution I can imagine this being necessary !
(Haven't thought of it myself because I use 2 screens :p)
I have build this program myself, you can scan it with whatever tool you'd like, we are not going to inflict damage to our own userbase...

About the website: I have no idea what's that about, but I have scanned it myself with multiple tools and 0 trojans found.

17-01-2012, 19:22

AAAAAALSO: could someone enlighten me about the mysterious passwords you need for a simple tool like a minimizer ? Or is it about site passwords. AFAIK on Pauls old site there was something similar, and it reminds me very much. Dutchmeat discovered a trojan horse on Pauls old site, see here => http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php/18467-NEW!-Rcon-Online?p=283516&viewfull=1#post283516 (http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php/18467-NEW%21-Rcon-Online?p=283516&viewfull=1#post283516) in connection with passwords. Dutchmeat is not your everyday random internet person, dutchmeat is trustworthy (coder, many years experience with idtech3 engine, working on etlive). Paul also did not respond..

No, I never saw that until now. I've also responded to the original thread to clear up that story. Wasn't aware of it being on there.

About the passwords in the minimizer. We needed something very secure, as we don't want any passwords to be stolen. The reason why you need to get the code from our site, is that in this way you will never be able to steal someone else his real key, as the encryption key is not stored in the application.

If you really want to know, the 'very strange password thing' is just something with the userid,playerid and some other secret ingredients. Together, this string is encrypted with a key we will never share (so evil people will not be able to decrypt it). Then, it's base64_encoded (http://nl2.php.net/base64_encode) as the key mechanism produces uncopyable characters, and base64 produces an output will all readable keys.

Is this enough information :)?



17-01-2012, 23:42
More than i wanted to know, i do not care actually for any mega super cool encryption details or anything. Just wanted to know what this app is about and why passwords are beeing needed for having an app which mimizes your game, and tell you that you still got one site up and running, spreading trojans.

18-01-2012, 09:04
More than i wanted to know, i do not care actually for any mega super cool encryption details or anything. Just wanted to know what this app is about and why passwords are beeing needed for having an app which mimizes your game, and tell you that you still got one site up and running, spreading trojans.

To minimize the game, you don't need to fill in the information. This is only needed if you also want to use the locking/unlocking possibility of your name :)

1-02-2012, 14:39
For everyone using this : do not use it when you are playing or going to play World of Warcraft !
Their anti cheat engine is paranoia and will ban you.

A new update is also coming soon.

1-02-2012, 14:43
I just can say it'll be great :D

11-02-2012, 15:06
up, mac version in the futur :D ?

11-02-2012, 18:20
Mac support would be swell indeed :)

11-02-2012, 20:14
Works awesome! Thanks so mutch :)

11-02-2012, 20:39
Well guys that's a challenge and I accept :P
Will try to build a Mac and Linux version.

13-02-2012, 02:43

30-03-2012, 00:11
OK well, I finally got this, and Installed it on my dads PC that runs W:ET just fine. But for some reason, it keeps saying Invalid Login. I typed in my UserID which I believe is DevilHunter, my Player ID, that shows up after the URL from my reserved Nick, and My password, but when I click on Ok, it still says Invalid Login.. Whats Up?

My dad runs on Windows Vista, I tried Running As Administrator, and still the same problem. Also made sure its allowed in the Windows Firewall.

30-03-2012, 12:14
this is your profile: http://forum.trackbase.net/members/5663-DevilHunter

your ID is an identification number and is required_once in on startup, not your username
so try to type in 5663

30-03-2012, 12:16
Or just type in this url: http://et.trackbase.net/?mod=reserve&tbapp=YOURPLAYERID
and retype the YOURPLAYERID with ur player id

31-03-2012, 02:39
Ok that works. Thanks for the Help. Kinda confusing but Now I get it. Now to test it out... heh

17-03-2013, 09:42
Desktop resolution will be added in the next update, since ET changes your screen resolution I can imagine this being necessary !