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View Full Version : =RDA= Clan Recruiting

24-12-2011, 18:52
Rogue Duck Attack

History: RDA has been around for a little over 4 years, it was created by our owner =RDA=Tonto.

Owner: =RDA=Tonto
We have 35+ members and are growing everyday.

We have 4 servers.

=RDA=Main Recruitment
Ecsmod is similar to etpub, it has tripmines, shotgun, morphine and the BAR. Players have blue glow for spawnsheild and green glow for objective. There is double jump. This is our objective server. Map voting cycle(You vote for the map you want).

Ip: Mod: Funquarter
Our fragging and having FUN server, Custom guns and vsays, even a chainsaw!
Funquarter is noquarter with a few custom things added. Map cycle.

Ip: Mod: Ecsmod
We have panzer and sniper maps on this server, and its map voting, so a panzer map will be panzerwar and a snipermap will be sniperwar.

=RDA=ETPro Chicago
Ip: Mod: Etpro
This is our ETPro scrim server it is usually open to the public, unless we are having practice or having a scrim with another clan.
Challenge us here! (http://www.rdaclan.com/f10-md-scrim-team-discussion)

Our teamspeak Server is here:
Ip: Pass: rdaclan
All are welcome but we do keep a password on to keep from random people joining.

Our forums are here: Forums (www.rdaclan.com/forum)
We are recruiting so please visit!
Here is how to join:
How to join =RDA= (www.rdaclan.com/t72-how-to-join-rda)
(Note: The 25k xp is more of a guide line to make sure you are serious about joining, If the recruiters do see that you have an [R] at the end of your name you will get recruited before the 25k xp mark)
Our gametracker clan here: GameTracker Page (www.gametracker.com/clan/rdaclan/)
Our trackbase clan here: Trackbase Page (http://et.trackbase.net/?mod=claninfo&cidx=618)
Our Xfire clan: Xfire Page (http://www.xfire.com/clans/rogueducksattackofficial/)

We also may be getting another server soon but it is undecided what it will be.
You can vote: here! (http://www.rdaclan.com/t1300-new-server)

24-12-2011, 20:17
Good luck guys!

24-12-2011, 20:41
Thanks, to you as well!

25-12-2011, 04:16
gl guys