Hello everyone; we might be interested playing some wars against publics clans! Our clan was formed back in 2010 by SjMX and myself, but died from inactivity. Now we're back and mainly playing for fun! More details over there : http://et.trackbase.net/?mod=claninfo&cidx=120

We would like to play against motivated people who wants to learn etpro or even playing officials if you got some knowledge about Clanbase or ESL.

Everyone in the " true Quality " already played etpro, and some of us played in some good teams. ( hennie and myself are first on the 3on3 clanbase ladder for exemple).

If anyone is interested, add me on xfire : frasnatix or idle on IRC @ #logic.et. You also can send me a message on the Trackbase forums or drop a message in this thread

Have fun everyone!