View Full Version : big problem

13-08-2011, 17:27
wolfenstein delete my brother and therefore my profile = LOW = (Kimblee) lot already seen on my server ^ ^ I re-download wolfenstein I play and I created another profile =Hellsing=(Alucard) and I retrieve my old xp profile that is to say around 54 000xp

13-08-2011, 17:37
Where's the question mark ? :P

Sorry, I don't seem to understand your issue or question

13-08-2011, 17:51
Where's the question mark ? :P

Sorry, I don't seem to understand your issue or question

I think he wants his old XP back but since that etkey is gone, I see no way to get it back :)

Just play the game and enjoy it. XP is for newbies :)

13-08-2011, 19:43
ok thank you