View Full Version : Fédération Francaise de Wolfenstein recrute !

30-06-2011, 23:56
Salut ! Tu es francais et tu recherches une team pour t'amuser ?
Les -FFW- sont le clan qu'il te faut ! Nous sommes une quinzaine de joueurs francais jouant certain pour le fun d'autre pour le rating, voici notre forum :

Nous aurons un serveur debut Juillet en Jaymod 24 Slots !

A bientot ;)

Hey , you are french and you want some fun with clanmates ?
-FFW- is the clan you need , we are around 15 french members , some play for fun and others for rating ,check out our forum :
We will get a jaymod 24 slots server in the beginning of july
See you soon !

1-07-2011, 14:20
Nice intro, but I don't understand anything :)

2-07-2011, 12:15
Yeah , please translate it into english also , thx

5-07-2011, 11:18
Hey ;)
I have post it in French, because we have got only french on our team, and we recruit only french guys ( forum in french, teamspeak in french etc. )

But i thx for the translate :)

We have also got a server Since today^^
But we are installing it and editing it to have adrenaline, double jump, fast shooting etc.
If you want to have Admin level on our server, you can help us to programm it.
Contact me : cusporryco ( xfire )