View Full Version : Disable PB

30-12-2011, 05:54

since PB (bastich's) stopped supporting our great game, we get players kicked for dup and no guids I have this in my cfg:

// pb_sv_enable in the console
set PB_SV_disable
set PB_SV_GuidRelax 7
set PB_SV_NoGuidGrace 99999999
set PB_SV_punkbuster 0

Any suggestions to what else I can do to remove this evil virus!!!!!!


30-12-2011, 13:34
So if you run a server and you use the server.cfg for some parameters then write(jaymod):

//exec punkbuster.cfg
exec jaymod.cfg
exec objectivecycle.cfg


and your other parameters

That's what i have in my server.cfg bcs many get kicked by pb, idk why i and some others don't get kicked, but I have it off because many comlaint against pb.

30-12-2011, 16:03
Thanks Jonny,

Yep the above was coppied directly from server.cfg!

So no 'set' infront of pb_sv_disable and in small, I have tried it in smalls but the PB site shows it in capitals so changed it recently. Also have had it with/without set but seems to still kick no matter. But as you say not in every case!! Wish there was a way to completely remove PB from the servers...but yes i guess it is all part of the way et uses the etkey/guid!! Our server is NQ btw but I think PB works the same regardless of mod!!

Thanks for ur help,

30-12-2011, 16:19
You can use HLSW which scans your server all the time and it also shows more information like Mod, How many ppl you can use a the console there too.
Pls add me on xfire: dssjonny so i can help you maybe a bit more :)

30-12-2011, 16:51
Thanks again for your help Jonny..is muchly appreciated!! Hopefully it is fixed!


30-12-2011, 18:57
If not, just feel free to reply :)